Manatee Integration With CAE Tools

Manatee software integrates smoothly into CAE workflows, supporting the import of currents, airgap flux, and modal bases from third-party tools to streamline e-NVH simulations. This integration allows electrical and mechanical engineers to work with existing data, avoiding redundant calculations and enhancing simulation accuracy. The software also supports importing external noise sources and exporting magnetic forces and nodal vibrations, facilitating comprehensive NVH analyses. Advanced output tracking and batch mode capabilities enable customized optimization and seamless integration with other applications, making Manatee a versatile tool for multiphysics design optimization of electric machines and drives.

Smooth Integration Into CAE Workflows

Current Import

When supply currents have already been computed on third-party electromagnetic software or measured, this feature of Manatee software allows to calculate airgap flux density from the sole import of phase current signal along one electrical period. Variable speed current import, skewing and eccentricity are supported. Currents can be imported at very few operating points, flux density and magnetic forces are then automatically extrapolated or interpolated at variable speed using the MLUT algorithm

This import feature can be used by electrical engineers who want to perform simulations with non-sinusoidal currents. The impact of non-conventional control or current profiling on noise and vibration can be evaluated.

Current import – SIMULIA Manatee > Dassault Systèmes

Force Export

Magnetic forces computed by Manatee e-NVH software can be exported in the frequency domain in .json format. Export can be done either in the time or frequency domain. A list of desired operating points can be selected, and the time discretization or maximum frequency can be tuned to get a reasonable output file size.

The export of Manatee forces allows electrical engineers to use the user-friendly interface to compute the electromagnetic excitations and then send the output data to the NVH engineers to pursue NVH studies within third-party software. For example, magnetic forces could be exported to calculate structure-borne noise at the vehicle level in Abaqus or to iterate on the acoustic packaging in Wave6.

Force export– SIMULIA Manatee > Dassault Systèmes

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Control Magnetic Noise & Vibrations of Electric Machines and Drives from Concept to Preliminary Design Phase

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