What is Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Simulation?

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have become crucial tools within companies across many industries, unlocking new potential of existing processes and allowing entirely new forms of innovation.

AI and ML offer significant benefits for users when implemented in the simulation process. Users can build realistic models of complex real-world systems with AI assistance, or accelerate trade-off studies and optimization with powerful ML surrogate models that can deliver results within seconds, without compromising on accuracy.

Key Benefits of Using AI and ML Tools

Accelerate simulation

Machine learning models can deliver reliable results in seconds, helping you turn around designs faster.

Optimize designs

With a trained AI model, you can explore the space of design variations and find the best.

Make more efficient use of time and resources

By using trained AI models on the cloud, you can reduce on-site hardware needs.

Unlock full potential and new innovation

With AI experiences you can work more efficiently and spend more time on the important tasks.

Impact of AI and ML on Different Industries

Use the Full Power of Simulation

Make the most of the resources that you have. ML neural network models can be trained on design and simulation data to produce an AI experience that replicates system behavior. These technologies accelerate the modeling and optimization of future designs. AI empowered design optimization lets users explore the design space in a very responsive way to work more efficiently and concentrate on what really matters.

SIMULIA Portfolio Overview > Dassault Systèmes
MODSIM empowers SIMULIA AI/ML > Dassault Systèmes

Make Simulation Accessible to All with AI-Powered MODSIM

Unified modeling and simulation (MODSIM) brings the power of simulation to designers and engineers, allowing them to use simulation data to inform the design at any stage of development. One important step in implementing MODSIM in businesses has been democratizing simulation: giving non-experts the skills needed to use engineering simulation technologies such as finite element analysis (FEA), computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and electromagnetic simulation effectively.

Pre-trained ML models contain the expertise needed to set up workflows for many simulation applications, reducing workload and giving users the results they need faster. Users don’t need detailed simulation set-up or machine learning experience – the AI experience embeds the expertise and the model set up is already defined. AI-empowered MODSIM experiences gives designers the ability to make informed decisions the first time.

Use AI on the Cloud to Reduce Hardware Costs

Running large numbers of physical simulations requires significant investment in computer hardware for businesses. We can train the model for you and you can explore the results on the Cloud. Once trained, the model can provide reliable results in a fraction of the time of a full simulation. With the Cloud you take advantage of the power of artificial intelligence in your business to implement physics-based design even during the concept stage when full simulation methods are too computationally expensive.

Cloud Simulation - SIMULIA > dassault Systèmes
Autmoated Model Discovery Virutal twin by Ellen Kuhl - SIMULIA > Dassault Systèmes

Understand the World with Virtual Twin Experiences

Virtual twin experiences let you visualize, model and simulate the entire environment of sophisticated systems. To build a reliable virtual twin experience, you must model the real-world system accurately. Machine learning algorithms help engineers to model and understand complex system behavior, bringing the virtual and real worlds closer together. Predictive modeling allows rapid virtual testing instead of costly, time-consuming physical testing and offers insight into otherwise inaccessible systems such as the inside of the human body and other real world environments. Companies can test the real-world performance of a product at the concept stage without having to wait for physical prototypes. Virtual twin experiences powered by AI are helping industry to enter the generative economy.

Start Your Journey

Simulation technology is constantly evolving. Discover how to stay a step ahead with AI and machine learning

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