Manatee Analysis Methods for e-NVH

Manatee software provides advanced e-NVH analysis tools, including interactive plots for visualizing simulation results and performing mathematical post-processing. The Magnetic Force Signature Analysis tool helps identify the frequency signature of magnetic force harmonics, aiding in the early design phase and optimization of electric machines. Spatiograms (or Load Case Contribution) offer a unique way to visualize vibration and noise results per electromagnetic load case. At the same time, the Linear Contribution Plot helps identify the root causes of e-NVH issues by showing the percentage contribution of each load case to overall noise or vibration. These tools enable electrical, mechanical, and NVH engineers to quickly understand and mitigate noise issues, facilitating efficient design and optimization of electric machines and drives.

Advanced e-NVH Root Cause Analysis Tools

Interactive Plots

In Manatee software, a selection of relevant plots is automatically generated at the end of the electrical machine simulation. Depending on the chosen workflow, they may include electrical, electromagnetic, structural mechanics or acoustic quantities.

Each plot can be undocked to access further interactive options. The icon banner also offers shortcuts to standard plots (spectrums, spectrograms, order tracking analysis, torque-speed maps). All plots include mathematical post-processing (e.g., Fourier transform in 1D or 2D) and can be animated in time or space. Most can be exported in raw format (e.g., .csv).

All engineers involved in the development of electric drives can access insightful visualization tools of the most relevant physics. Post-processing of simulation outputs does not need to be carried out in another environment, making result interpretation faster

Interactive plots – SIMULIA Manatee > Dassault Systèmes

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