Low Frequency and Static Simulation

The SIMULIA suite of specialized simulation tools for low-frequency (LF) and statics can tackle challenges including magnet design, high-voltage power device and electrical machine development. Industries including energy, transportation and mobility, marine and offshore, and industrial equipment use low-frequency simulation to design cutting-edge products and innovative systems.

The flexibility of SIMULIA’s tools in adapting to user requirements has seen it being used successfully for a wide range of applications in different industries. The accuracy they provide is of paramount importance when looking at field homogeneities of parts-per-million in medical devices or particle accelerators. Advanced material modeling and solution procedures enable detailed studies of devices containing permanent magnets or superconducting coils. Application-specific front-ends help guide the users through the complex task of simulating and optimizing high-efficiency, high-performance motors, generators and transformers.

Low-frequency simulation cuts development time, cost and risk in product development, and allows engineers to understand and optimize large, complex systems on the scale of generators, ships and particle accelerators.

The advanced hysteresis and demagnetization material modeling provides the required level of accuracy that allows designers and engineers to rely on virtual prototyping. It significantly reduces the time from design to production.

The strong coupling of electromagnetic effects with thermal and mechanical ones is a feature of most low frequency devices. SIMULIA provides best-in-class tools for the in-depth analysis of coupled physics behavior required to obtain a complete view of the systems’ performance and reliability.

Low Frequency Applications

Power Generation and Transmission Simulation

Transformers, switchgears, bus bars and similar components must conduct large currents safely, without dangerous flashover or current leakage. Simulation shows fields and currents around components, including eddy currents, and heat generation, allowing designers to verify that high-power systems operate safely even under extreme loads.

Particle Beam Optics Simulation

Magnetic lenses and other beam-directing magnets are a crucial part of particle accelerators. Particle tracking simulation can model the movement of charged particles through magnetic fields to allow scientists to design and optimize accelerator components. For more information, see Particle Dynamics.

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Explore the technological advancements, innovative methodologies, and evolving industry demands that are reshaping the world of Low frequency Electromagnetics Simulation. Stay a step ahead with SIMULIA. Discover now.

FAQ About Magnetic Field Simulation

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