Next Generation User Roles

3DEXPERIENCE SIMULIA is a revolutionary platform for the simulation user and the enterprise. Customers today are demanding enterprise-wide and group-wide tools to enable extended teams to build and execute the most complex simulation models as part of high-value end-to-end industry processes, from requirements to design to engineering to manufacturing and ownership. 3DEXPERIENCE SIMULIA is the only suite of capabilities available today to support this need, taking simulation from vertical engineering function to a horizontal business process throughout the enterprise.

For Decision Makers and all users, 3DEXPERIENCE SIMULIA provides a framework for Simulation Data Science to democratize simulation, including best-practice capture, publication, re-use, and re-play. Available on mobile devices, this capability increases simulation quality and value, aligns simulation with business process and requirements, and increases the customer’s return on their simulation investment by bringing simulation into the core of the enterprise to improve decisions.

For the Designer/Engineer, 3DEXPERIENCE SIMULIA delivers an expanded portfolio of On Premise and On Cloud simulation roles geared for the occasional simulation user who wants to work within the design environment, yet benefit from the value of simulation to improve early design decisions.

For the Simulation Specialist, the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform supports structures, fluids & acoustics, electromagnetics, and multibody simulation. Existing simulation products, data, and IP can be integrated with platform simulation to eliminate traditional simulation silos due to the use of specialty tools. Native capabilities such as high-performance visualization for very large models, batch and rule-based meshing, and collaborative assembly are unique to 3DEXPERIENCE SIMULIA, providing additional capability, efficiency, and through-put

As an integral part of the Dassault Systèmes 3DEXPERIENCE Platform, simulation applications accelerate the process of evaluating and improving product performance, reliability and safety before committing to costly and time-consuming physical prototypes. We help our users meet their business goals, not only with market-leading simulation applications, but also through our global team of engineers who teach, mentor and support them in the use of our applications to reduce time and cost while delivering innovative, game-changing solutions to their customers.

Discover the Disciplines

Structural Simulation
Finite Element Analysis for Mechanical and Civil Engineering
Electromagnetic Simulation
Simulation and Analysis of Electromagnetic Fields
Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation
Steady-State and Transient Internal and External Flow Around and Through Solids and Structures
Multibody System Dynamics & Motion Simulation
Analyse the Motion of Complex Mechanical Systems Under the Application of Mechanical Forces
Vibro-Acoustics Simulation
Simulation and analysis of noise and vibration across the entire audible frequency range
Automation & Optimization
Democratize Simulation, Accelerate Innovation, and Take Advantage of the Power of Artificial Intelligence.

SIMULIA software products are packaged as Roles on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform to get you up to speed faster and work more efficiently with all needed applications available at your fingertips. Select a package that corresponds to your role in an organization.

What's New in SIMULIA R2024X

Delivering New and Updated Capabilities to All Users throughout the Enterprise

Dassault Systèmes has delivered 3DEXPERIENCE Release R2024x to all customers including enhancements for MODSIM (Unified Modeling & Simulation), CATIA & SOLIDWORKS designer simulation including Cloud simulation flexibility and performance. Select enhancements include:

For MODSIM, the new Suspension Analyst Role allows Vehicle Dynamics designers to accelerate suspension development using suspension elasto-kinematics KPIs directly within their familiar design environment. 

The addition of Visual Script Designer pattern definition inside the Concept Structure Engineer role opens up a new range of possibilities for MODSIM-driven concept structure studies. It enables capturing engineering knowledge like adaptive and logical patterns in concept models.

A multidisciplinary methodology combining the Concept Structure Engineering app with the concept aerodynamics industry workflow provides quick parameterization of the structural design of a new concept. It helps to optimize both the aerodynamic shape and the structure of flow surfaces in a joint parameter space.

Full tires can now be modeled and simulated directly on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, including rebars (cords) and constraints. Tire engineers can generate hundreds of variations results quickly and cost effectively, and deliver important information such as the tire behavior during inflation, or stresses observed in reinforcement.

For designers using CATIA and SOLIDWORKS, cloud enhancements include game-changing results visualization performance improvements for large models using a new pixel streaming capability.

Simulating large-scale electromagnetics products for antenna placement and indoor network design is accelerated through higher fidelity with acceleration from an Asymptotic Solver (High Frequency Solver).

Time to set up and analyze complex system kinematics models is reduced through hierarchical motion modeling including submechanisms with the new assembly of mechanism concept.

Also Discover

SIMULIA Portfolio
Engineering Software from SIMULIA
SIMULIA Academic License Program
Supporting Leaders of Tomorrow
SIMULIA Training
Instructor Lead and Online Training to Maximize Your Productivity and Competitiveness
SIMULIA Services Offering
Enabling you to be more Productive and Competitive.

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