Contact Information
Company name: WAVE FRONT CO LTD
Company address: QUEEN'S TOWER B12 2-3-3 MINATOMIRAI NISHI-KU 220-6112 YOKOHAMA-SHI 14, JPN
Partner Overview
Since Wave Front has been established in 1990, Wave Front is focusing on the advanced simulation technologies including Computational Fluid Dynamincs, Thermal and Fluid Flow with Chemical Reactions, Glow Plasma simulation for Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment, Arc Plasma simulation for Automotive Ignition Plug, etc. and is distributing the related simulation software which are developed by Wave Front and our partners.
The customers come from Automotive Industry, Semiconductor Industry, Material Processing Industry, Electronics Industry, etc
Now we can provide a new solution, Material Studio software to the researchers who are involved in searching the new material with newly required properties in every industrial fields. Using this software material reserachers can create many kind of vertual materials on a computer and confirm the material properties by computer simulation and choose the candidate materials before experiments. The final selection of the new material