We Show the Dream is Possible

At Dassault Systèmes, we continuously strive to improve the world.

We are a purpose-driven company and believe that innovation is only valuable if it serves people and society. What unites us is our purpose of “harmonizing product, nature and life” – the belief that we can positively impact the future and help improve people’s lives.

There is no limit to people's imagination!

We believe that sharing knowledge and bringing together a community of creative and passionate people worldwide is essential to creating disruptive innovations.


‘3DS INNOVATION Forwards’ is an annual initiative that rewards the most innovative projects of the year developed by Dassault Systèmes teams worldwide. Every year, more than 300 projects are submitted involving more than 2,000 participants worldwide!

Did you know?

Did you know that our people at Dassault Systèmes can dedicate up to 10% of their time to sharing their technical and business skills for free with the startups accelerated by our 3DEXPERIENCE Lab?

The 3DEXPERIENCE Lab is an open innovation laboratory and startup accelerator program dedicated to nurturing and empowering disruptive projects that positively impact people and society.

Personally, it is rewarding to know that I can contribute and help these disruptive new companies reach their goals.

Rohan Keswani

CATIA Knowledge Capture Roles Portfolio Specialist

Want to know more about us?

Our Commitments

Know our commitments to the world and society.

Inclusion & Diversity

Dassault Systèmes, striving to build more inclusive and diverse teams across the globe.

Learning & Development

Read more to find out how we foster a vibrant, comprehensive learning environment.