Reduce CO2 by 7.5 Giga tons using Virtual Twins

Discover how through 5 industrial use cases alone the combined benefits can mount to $1.3 trillion of economic value and 7.5 Gt CO2-eq of emissions reductions.

Designing Disruption: the critical role of Virtual Twins in accelerating Sustainability

Achieving the UN Global Goals by 2030 will require radically more sustainable ways of managing products and services over their entire lifecycle, from design to use and end-of-life.

Virtual twins are part of the solution. In a whitepaper co-authored by Accenture and Dassault Systèmes, we found that virtual twins provide an untapped opportunity to help companies unlock combined benefits of $1.3 trillion of economic value and 7.5 Gt CO2e emissions reductions by 2030.

Beyond the Numbers

Five businesses already improving sustainability with virtual twins


The sustainability white paper jointly developed by Accenture and Dassault Systèmes accomplish an impressive feat: putting hard numbers to virtual twins’ potential to improve sustainability outcomes in five specific industry situations. Beyond the numbers, however, we can learn a great deal from the actual sustainability experience of virtual twin users – and how they plan to build on those gains going forward.


We invite you to discover five use cases detailing the sustainability benefits of virtual twins in daily business. We salute these successes – and commit to helping our customers make the leap to a sustainable economy.

Our Executive Summary

If one action could reduce CO2 emissions by 7.5 gigatons (Gt) in the next 10 years (about 17% of all CO2 emitted in 2020) and generate economic benefits of US$1.3 trillion, shouldn’t we seize it with both hands?

This is precisely the opportunity calculated for just five industrial applications of virtual twins  in a new research paper produced by Accenture and Dassault Systèmes and titled: “Designing Disruption: The Critical Role of Virtual Twins in Accelerating Sustainability.”

Although benefits from the five use cases studied and quantified in the paper are significant, they represent only a small fraction of the total benefit possible with universal adoption of virtual twins across all relevant sectors of industry and government. Despite being proven, available-today technology, however – a concrete action that businesses can take now to make progress against the UN Sustainability Development Goals –virtual twins have reached only 10% of the organizations that should be using them to accelerate their sustainability efforts.

“This new paper,” Verzelen continued, “was undertaken to reveal this potential, spurring adoption in time to make a difference in the 90% of cases where virtual twins are not yet used.”

In its 2019 CEO Study on Sustainability, Accenture found that half of surveyed CEOs believe business will be the most important actor in delivering on the UN Sustainability goals. [...] But only 21% of surveyed CEOs believe that businesses are meeting their obligations. Virtual twins are an immediate step forward on sustainability, and they improve companies’ financial performance. This makes virtual twins a win for all three facets of sustainability: environment, economy and society.

Florence Verzelen

Executive Vice President, Industry, Marketing & Sustainability, Dassault Systèmes

Discover related events


Bringing together leaders and experts in technology and sustainability to consider how emerging “twin” technology can help businesses transform their operations and become more sustainable.


Watch this 1-hour webcast to hear from senior experts on the potential of virtual twin technology to enable more sustainable manufacturing and operations and the transition towards a more circular economy.

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