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I clienti di tutto il mondo traggono vantaggio dalle nostre soluzioni rivoluzionarie per utilizzare i loro dati in modo efficiente, innovare e realizzare la loro visione.

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+ 25 milioni


+ 350.000

Clienti aziendali


Settori industriali



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Scopri perché clienti leader di mercato scelgono le nostre soluzioni per aiutarli ad avere successo.

Customer Story
Japanese sportswear brand ASICS is building the foundation for its personalization services upon the industry solution experiences Perfect Consumer Product and Perfect Product Staging. The 3DEXPERIENCE platform on the cloud allows ASICS to showcase less visible parts of its products to consumers so that they can make informed purchase decisions.
Customer Story
Neta Auto
As Chinese electric vehicle brand Neta Auto focuses on its rapid global expansion, its strategy of developing affordable luxury electric cars requires a keen focus on costs and productivity throughout product development. Neta Auto uses the 3DEXPERIENCE platform to manage all design, engineering, and manufacturing processes, bringing significant cost savings and reducing the product development cycle.
Customer Story
Damen Shipyards
Striving to be the most sustainable and connected shipbuilder in the world, family-owned Damen Shipyards Group transforms its approach to shipbuilding by implementing the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. The company uses Designed for Sea and Build for Sea industry solution experiences to standardize its processes across its organization starting with Naval and Workboats divisions. The platform will serve as the backbone for product lifecycle management, integrating design, engineering, manufacturing engineering within a single, connected digital environment.
Customer Story Video
Austrian HeliAir transforms standard helicopters into medical emergency centers using the self-developed interior concept KOKON designed on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform on the cloud. With the Passenger Experience industry solution experience, the company can manage the entire development process, use virtual reality to create immersive demonstrations and involve healthcare professionals in decision-making processes.
Customer Story
MTorres chose the 3DEXPERIENCE platform and ENOVIA to replace its existing Product Data Management solution, SmarTeam, and power its product development process in a collaborative environment.

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Scopri come il software SOLIDWORKS ha aiutato le aziende in molti settori diversi a migliorare i prodotti, aumentare la produttività e ridurre i costi.



Esplora il modo in cui CENTRIC PLM avvicina i clienti ai consumatori e potenzia l’efficienza per rivenditori, marchi e produttori.