Meet Emma Twin
Dassault Systèmes' virtual Healthcare consultant

Emma, a virtual twin dedicated to advancing the field of healthcare
Created from an anonymous woman’s medical data and characteristics, Emma is the embodiment of the virtual twin, a scientifically accurate virtual representation of a real person.
She's able to test hundreds of treatments virtually to improve the lives of millions of real-life patients.
Thanks to her 3D-modeled body, doctors and researchers can analyze the effects of diseases and test new remedies without risk for real persons.
She shares her life as a virtual consultant on LinkedIn, where she explains how virtual twins can help create a more patient-centric healthcare model and improve medicine for everyone.
Meet your virtual twin! Discover the Living Heart and Living Brain projects
Powerful knowledge about the human body results when we can visualize, test, understand and predict what cannot be seen, from the way drugs affect a disease to surgical outcomes before a patient is treated.
Participate in a virtual reality experience that highlights the power of more deeply understanding the 3D anatomy of the brain and the heart.