Deliver Innovative Sustainable Packaging with Cutting-Edge Science

Discover how materials science and the virtual twin can help CPG manufacturers deliver a new vision of sustainability to consumers.

Redefining Sustainable Packaging

CPG manufacturers striving to make their packaging more sustainable must expand the notion of what sustainability is — and what it can be.

For starters, sustainability goes beyond just the packaging material itself. Manufacturers must drive sustainability throughout the product innovation chain, from concept to its post-use realities.

With a powerful, science-based digital development platform, stakeholders can:

  • Accurately predict the properties of materials that have not yet been synthesized or tested based on real-world parameters
  • Simulate and run virtual models using experimental data, instead of depending on existing models or mathematical equations, and
  • Develop material-specific processes and systems that are user-friendly and intuitive

There is a way for CPG manufacturers to ensure their packaging’s real-world performance, and that’s by utilizing the power of the virtual twin that virtually models the package and applies mathematical and physical laws to determine how it can be optimized to meet or exceed sustainability goals.

The Power of the Virtual Twin

As an accurate representation of real-world conditions that uses real-time data, the virtual twin allows CPG manufacturers to replicate material properties down to the molecular level.

The resulting 3D model is a hyper-realistic rendering of the packaging that adheres to real-world physics. Stakeholders can then change or swap material properties, increase the packaging’s thickness, change diameters, and modify a label position, alter graphics, accurately measure the packaging’s potential carbon footprint and more.

Let’s see what the virtual twin can bring to the table at every step of the product development workflow:

The virtual twin is capable of replicating an entire circular packaging life cycle, from cradle to cradle. Stakeholders can modify a multitude of variables such as the materials used, long-term reusability, rate of decay, total energy and water used and rate of recyclability, among others.

Bring disruptive and sustainable packaging designs to life

Ready to learn more? Download our ebook for a deep dive into the solution poised to transform CPG packaging for years to come.

The Next Step in Sustainability

Bringing this to fruition requires a powerful science-based digital development platform that can empower CPG manufacturers to turn their sustainable packaging ambitions into real-world results.

That's where the 3DEXPERIENCE® platform comes in. Developed by an organization committed to a science-based target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions3, it integrates multidisciplinary science-based tools within a fully realized virtual environment that's instantly accessible to all stakeholders.

This makes the 3DEXPERIENCE platform the critical differentiator that can help CPG manufacturers translate their sustainability efforts into tangible, measurable and effective results throughout the supply and value chains.

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