
Designing Impactful Innovation podcast - episode 6

In this episode, two Dassault Systèmes experts share their perspectives on industrial design, creativity and how the 3DEXPERIENCE platform on the cloud helps them bring their ideas to life.

Join Felix Rockel, CATIA Design Industry process expert senior specialist and Alain Dugousset, CATIA Core Engineering Roles Portfolio senior manager to learn more about the challenges of industrial design today, the way to stay inspired and the keys to design successfully.


Meet our speakers

Felix Rockel
Felix Rockel
CATIA Design Industry Process Expert Senior Specialist, Dassault Systèmes

That's the great thing in design: there is always a new shape, always something new that you can do.

More about Felix’s design projects on the 3DEXPERIENCE community

Alain Dugousset
Alain Dugousset
CATIA Core Engineering Roles Portfolio Senior Manager, Dassault Systèmes

If you have any passions, it's easier to find good ideas to find the inspiration coming from what you like to see, to explore and to deep dive into new things you can discover.

More about Alain’s design projects on the 3DEXPERIENCE community

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Stay tuned!

Read the transcript

Clara: Hello and welcome to the Designing Impactful Innovation podcast. I’m Clara, your host, and today we’re talking about industrial design with two Dassault Systèmes experts: Felix Rockel, CATIA Design Industry process expert senior specialist and Alain Dugousset, CATIA Core Engineering Roles Portfolio senior manager.

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