For Education

Limitless technology for creative minds!

  • Choose between two best-in-class solutions: 3DEXPERIENCE Engineer and 3D Innovator.
  • Dedicated pricing for Educators.
  • Transform the way you teach and experience the engineering practices of industry leaders.
  • Access to private Educators community.
  • Take advantage of the automatic upgrades deliveries.
  • Access to Dassault Systèmes Cloud Support 24/7.
  • Eligibility criteria apply.

For Startups

Think big, spend a little. Unleash your entrepreneurial potential.

  • Benefit from 3DEXPERIENCE platform including bestselling roles at an affordable price
  • Access best-in-class Planning, 3D Design, Simulation and Manufacturing solutions
  • Grow with your business with an easy to deploy & flexible platform available 24/7
  • Take advantage of the automatic upgrades deliveries
  • Leverage Dassault Systèmes knowledge and know-how with personalized support 24/7
  • Eligibility criteria apply

For Businesses

Discover the most complete suite of design engineering tools.

  • Benefit from a personnalized SaaS, PaaS, IaaS all-in-one offering
  • Access to enterprise class technology
  • Grow with your business with an easy to deploy & flexible platform available 24/7
  • Take advantage of the automatic upgrades deliveries
  • Access to Dassault Systèmes Cloud Support 24/7


Additional ways to connect to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform on the cloud

Discover how the 3DEXPERIENCE platform on the cloud powers the most visionary brands

My colleagues can see any changes I make to a design in real-time. I don’t have to e-mail them to tell them I’ve made an update. Additionally, because everything is stored logically in the cloud, we are confident we are always working on the most up-to-date file.

Edoardo Fantin

Chief Engineer, NExT

NExT - The path towards smart urban mobility

Italian startup NExT is engineering electric modular vehicles that can be docked with each other to create extra capacity. It adopted Dassault Systèmes' cloud-based solutions to make the design processes faster and more efficient.