Transform your supply chain into a true driver of growth
Master Production Scheduling
Create an Optimized Master Production Schedule
Create Production Plans Based on Business Goals
What does MPS stand for in manufacturing?
Master Production Scheduling (MPS) is a manufacturing planning process used in a manufacturing environment to determine which products and how many of each should be produced, when, and in what quantities.
Optimizing Manufacturing Schedules with Master Production Scheduling
DELMIA Master Production Scheduling (MPS) helps users confidently plan what products to produce, their quantity, and the timetable to fulfill orders. It links sales demand with manufacturing capacity, allowing users to create a realistic plan that minimizes overstock while maximizing on-time delivery. By providing visibility of the end-to-end global supply chain, it paves the way to build realistic scenarios and assess the impact on the master production schedule in advance. With DELMIA MPS, planners can factor in business goals measured by key performance indicators (KPIs) like increased resource efficiency, reduced lead times, increased service delivery, and lower inventories. The results are better control over production planning to create an optimized master production schedule.
What are the benefits of a master production schedule?
Takes into account the most recent developments, feedback from the shop floor, unexpected downtimes and changes in external demand
Makes swift comparisons of different possibilities and selects the option that most favorably impacts your KPIs
Assigns, combines and optimizes orders based on demand, current stock level and available resources
Models a complete supply chain from customer demand down to raw material production or purchasing input materials
Groups specific operations that need to be planned together or near each other based on capacities and due dates
Ensures that bottleneck resources are optimally loaded no matter where they occur
The solution will enable our planners to better balance the metal flow through the factory and fulfill orders faster while working with lower inventories. It will maximize utilization of available capacity by optimizing bottleneck resources and in doing so, expand SIJ Acroni’s production capacity of steel products even further. The solution will also reduce the impact of disruptions and unexpected downtimes, and schedule maintenance according to commercial priorities.
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