UPDM Plugin
The Most Robust Standards Compliant DoDAF 2.0, MODAF 1.2, NAF 3, and NAF 4 via a UPDM 2 Standardized Solution
Military Experience and Enterprise Architecture Thought-Leadership
No Magic has deep experience with DoDAF and the Defense Industry. Our core product, MagicDraw offers the most robust standards compliant DoDAF 2.0, MODAF 1.2, NAF 3, and NAF 4 via a UPDM 2 standardized solution. And what's more, No Magic fully supports all architectural framework products ensuring you achieve mission results. No Magic also leads the industry in usability and interoprability, ensuring that you avoid unnecessary cost, schedule and performance risk.
Key Benefits
- Most robust solution available for military thinking and guidance
- Automatic and partial generation
- Customizable and predefined DoDAF, MODAF and NAF user interfaces
- Custom diagrams and tools
- Impact analysis and model metrics calculations
- System and system of systems engineering (SysML)
- Service oriented architecting (SOA)
- Follows interoperability standards
- Support for Defense information Enterprise Architecture framework (DIEA)
- Custom and common warfighting symbology - Mil Standard 2525B
- Model conversation among DoDAF, MODAF, and NAF
- Full support of activity based methodology and modeling (ABM)
- Certified training (onsite, offsite, or self-paced online) to ensure success
- Professional services available
- Existing DoDAF plugin customers can convert their DoDAF model to UPDM
Meeting DoDAF, MODAF, NAF and UPDM Needs
Improved Mission Results - Your team will do a better job of mining available data, measuring and visualizing architecture and overall success factors resulting in improved mission results.
- Convey the knowledge faster and easier
- Easily represent and communicate complex architecture
- Reduce assumptions, misconceptions and risk
Program Accountability - Provide Program Manager accountability including the enablement of net-centric processes and architectures, flexibility and responsiveness.
- Meet standards and easily follow guidance
- Understand risk/cost
- Gaps are identified and eliminated
Resource Management - No Magic's MagicDraw solution greatly facilitates the efficient and effective deployment of IT resources. The tool automates and assists the process of resource allocation ensuring mission critical project success.
- Use "what-if" scenarios to confirm and calculate mission success criteria
- Quickly identify under or over utilized resources
- Are the resources deployed in a mission?
- Ensure that resources are allocated to meet specific mission goals
Success/Mission metrics - Metrics lead to program success. Employing MagicDraw in DoDAF promotes significant improvement in processes, program and people efficiencies as well as shorter cycle times. Rapidly see and identify data relationships and critical paths.
- Align your operational metrics with your system metrics
- Use "what-if" scenarios to optimize system and operational parameters
- Use metrics to drive system design and operations
- Trace metrics back to systems that fulfill them
Efficiency - Benefit from improved speed to deploy, optimized resource allocation, improved collaboration and reduced overall cycle times. Teams will find it easier to take the abstract and make it meaningful, and achieve net-centric results.
- Be efficient and collaborative
- Easily and quickly pass along knowledge and training to others
- Achieve efficiencies because guidance has been followed

DoDAF 2.0, MODAF 1.2, NAF 3, and NAF 4 via UPDM solution
UPDM is Unified Profile for DoDAF, MODAF, and NAF developed and maintained by OMG:
- UPDM was developed by members of the OMG with help from industry and government domain experts.
- UPDM is not an Architectural Framework.
- UPDM is not a methodology or a process.
- UPDM is a standardized way of expressing DoDAF, MODAF, and NAF artifacts using UML, SysML and SoaML.
No Magic’s involvement in UPDM is substantial:
- No Magic co-chairs UPDM activities in OMG
- No Magic is leading the architecture of UPDM
- UPDM is modeled using MagicDraw
- UPDM specification was generated from MagicDraw
To learn how to benefit from our DoDAF, MODAF, and NAF expertise, call us. We have the experience and insights to help you succeed.
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NOTE: Existing users of No Magic products can access to the user portal at https://magicdraw.com/main.php, as well as Cameo Collaborator for Teamwork Cloud samples at https://ccexamples.nomagic.com.
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