Direct Instrument Integration and Data Capture

Connectivity is a key element of the lab of the 21st century, and the integration of equipment plays a central role in order to remove time-consuming, error-prone non-value adding manual data transfer between systems and instruments. This requires a high degree of standardization as laboratories typically have a large variety of instruments of different vendors that generate a plethora of different data formats and meta data.

Laboratories also need to manage the qualification, validation and maintenance of the instruments themselves to ensure they are fit for use for the different applications. Ideally these logbooks are connected to laboratory landscape so metrology checks can be done directly when selecting them for tests.

BIOVIA ONE Lab includes comprehensive automated instrument data acquisition and the management of instrument-related data and workflows. ONE Lab provides scientists with easy and intuitive transfer of instrument data into other systems. BIOVIA Equipment Management can be configured to automatically parse data from instrument data files into standardized formats to make results useable across systems. Auto-mapping of measurements to samples makes the import of results easy for the scientist and reduces transcription errors. By leveraging the included equipment registry, measurement store, reference data taxonomies and metrology capabilities, customers will be able to improve data consistency and integrity and improve lab productivity.

Leave No Data Behind

ONE Lab can connect most common lab instruments, including:

  • Direct result transfer from simple equipment such as balances, pH meters, etc. (requires TCP/IP network connection)
  • File transfer of equipment that outputs result files. Acquisition and parsing of this data is automated via directory crawling and parsing jobs
  • Bidirectional data transfer with Web service-based equipment software such Chromatographic Data Systems (CDS) like Waters® Empower® and Thermo Fisher Scientific® Chromeleon®, which are available as BIOVIA CDS Add-Ins

Instrument data can be automatically included in ELN experiments, or in other tests and procedures executed in ONE Lab. Metrology checks can be performed directly from ONE Lab, making lab workflows efficient and reliable. Scientists enjoy a seamless experience with both automated instrument data acquisition and an integrated overview of instrument readiness for their experiments.

Benefits of Integrated Equipment Management

  • Achieve data integrity and veracity through direct traceable data transfer
  • Increase productivity by eliminating manual data transfer
  • Improve data quality by eliminate transcription errors
  • Eliminate the need for 2nd scientist verification of manually entered data
  • Ensure data consistency by aligning with industry standard ontologies and taxonomies
  • Rely on valid state of equipment used by metrology checks during recipe execution

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