Time & Labor Planning
Effectively Manage Labor Tracking with Plant Activities
Analyze & Plan Employee Performances Across Plants
DELMIA Apriso Time & Labor supports manufacturing excellence by tightly linking labor tracking to plant activities. This includes turning production, warehouse, maintenance and quality into a total paperless manufacturing environment. DELMIA Apriso Time & Labor helps users obtain comprehensive, real-time visibility and historical analytics into employee performance, in and across plants. Do your employees need additional training? Time and labor delivers standardized Key Performance Indicators(KPIs), providing a baseline for performance management and labor reporting that can be leveraged across locations on a global, enterprise-wide scale.
This means a KPI like Overall Employee Efficiency among current employees is defined once and reported the same across all plants. Measures can be rolled up to provide global visibility while at the same time supporting individual plants and cross-plant comparisons for benchmarking. This provides visibility into total labor hours across the enterprise for a given product and insight into which plant or employee produces that product most efficiently or with the fewest hours of labor per unit.
DELMIA Apriso Time & Labor also provides secure, real-time visibility of employee attendance with details that can be broken down by day across work orders, products, operations, work centers, indirect, and other charge code types. This expanded visibility and control of schedules and workforce strategy is easily accomplished, letting you specifically tailor your reporting requirements with added flexibility. This application can automatically apply rounding rules, variances, lunch rules, and breaks to your employee’s work day. Reduce operating and administrative costs while improving productivity by ensuring the right person performs the right task.
Key Benefits:
Reduces labor costs
Improves visibility into manufacturing
Identifies and reduce expensive labor
The time we spend on warranties is five to ten times lower as we now don’t need to be at the customer site for as long fixing problems.
FAQ about Labor & Workforce Planning
A good workforce plan starts with the process of analyzing, forecasting, and preparing what resources and talent will be needed. DELMIA Apriso Time & Labor makes it easier to assess gaps and helps ensure you have the right skills, at the right time with the right resources.
Effective labor planning is vital for businesses, ensuring the right workforce is available to meet demands. It minimizes the risk of overstaffing, lowers labor costs, and enhances operational efficiency. Additionally, it ensures staff are adequately trained and qualified for their roles.
Workforce planning analyzes an organization's present and future staffing requirements, aiming to align skills, people, locations, and timing. Key elements include :
- grasping business context,
- analyzing the current workforce,
- forecasting demand,
- assessing supply,
- and formulating a workforce plan.
Workforce planning optimizes resource utilization by analyzing an organization's present and future staffing requirements. Also referred to as labor planning or workforce analysis, it involves assessing job-specific employee needs, forecasting future skill demands, and evaluating turnover rates.
Got more questions? Check our FAQ page and find the answer you're looking for!
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