Data-related Modeling for MagicDraw

This plugin enables you to draw entity-relationship diagrams (using the crow's foot notation). This is a full- featured variant of ER diagram (including extended entity-relationship concepts - like generalization), providing a spectrum of capabilities for logical data modeling.

This plugin provides SQL database modeling / diagramming and DDL script generation / reverse features. It supports 11 flavors of databases (including Standard SQL, Oracle, DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL), has separate type libraries for them, carries additional modeling extensions for Oracle databases, Transformations from / to plain UML models and from ER models are provided.

This plugin provides XML schema modeling / diagramming and schema file (*.xsd) generation / reversing features.

Cameo Data Modeler

Entity-Relationship diagram provides a spectrum of capabilities for logical data modeling using Information Engineering notation. It is suitable for logical level data modeling – providing data structures for various domains, defining business terminology, requirements of business and information exchange. It is suitable for any task where physical level data modeling – DDL diagrams – is deemed too implementation-dependent and platform specific.

ER Diagram Provides:

  • Entity and relationship modeling
  • Generalization/specialization modeling, including discriminator support for attribute-defined specialization
  • Specification of keys for entities (primary, alternative keys, inversion entries)

Additionally, this plugin provides enhancements for DDL diagrams – crow's foot notation for relationships and easier multiplicity specification.

To try the Cameo Data Modeler plugin, go to the Help menu and select the Resource/Plugin Manager to see the list of available plugins. Select the Cameo Data Modeler Plugin to download and install.


  • Cameo Data Modeler plugin is a separately purchasable add-on for MagicDraw application (Standard, Professional, Architect editions) and at no-cost for MagicDraw Enterprise edition with one year Software Assurance.
  • Cameo Data Modeler plugin replaces previous Data Modeling Notations plugin, which had support for business entity-relationship diagram - a simplified variant of entity-relationship diagram, usable for high level, abstract, domain data modeling.

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NOTE: Existing users of No Magic products can access to the user portal at, as well as Cameo Collaborator for Teamwork Cloud samples at

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