3ds catia champion badge>Dassault Systèmes

About the Program

The CATIA Champions program is a place for achievement.

  • It recognizes innovative thought leaders and passionate users in our technical community
  • It rewards contributors by amplifying their voices and influence within CATIA communities and social media
  • It develops Champions by creating opportunities to share expertise, knowledge, and passion

The CATIA Champions Program features and rewards the most skilled and influential Users in the CATIA ecosystem, who shine by their passion, expertise, and their overall participation to build up our amazing community. CATIA Champions are strong brand ambassadors, both online and offline, inspiring other users to greater levels of achievement and success.

Apply to be a Champion today by emailing us at CATIA.contact@3ds.com.

What Does it Take to Become a Champion?

Key characteristics of an outstanding CATIA Champion candidate:

  • You are an advocate of CATIA products and vision
  • You Demonstrate advanced skills and expertise in CATIA solutions on a specific domain (Design Engineering, Systems, MBSE, Construction,...)
  • You actively participate in on/off-line communities, interacting with your peers
  • You represent spirit of the CATIA Community, and as a leader, want to inspire others and give back
  • You help spreading the love for CATIA by being an advocate for the product and for the Community
CATIA design user day > Dassault Systemes
Interview champion > Dassault Systemes

Why Become a Champion?

Be recognized

  • Opportunities to showcase your successes and build your personal and company’s brand
  • Become a CATIA Expert Certified by Dassault Systèmes
  • Social media coverage of your contributions

Exclusive Access and Expertise

  • Lead the change & put your expertise to the next level
  • Get insider tips and the chance to participate in hands-on activities with our team to improve CATIA and get temporary test licences
  • Access to 3D Experience  Edu and Dassault Systèmes official Certifications

Expand your network

  • Exclusive access to key CATIA experts and leadership
  • Connect with like-minded individuals and exchange best practices and learnings with our global communities
  • Be present at CATIA events and have the freedom to speak about you CATIA experience and projects
  • Be Invited to Champions-only events & community groups

Also Discover

CATIA User Communities
Your Connection to People, Content and Resources

Learn What CATIA Can Do for You

Speak with a CATIA expert to learn how our solutions enable seamless collaboration and sustainable innovation at organizations of every size.

Get Started

Courses and classes are available for students, academia, professionals and companies. Find the right CATIA training for you. 

Get Help

Find information on software & hardware certification, software downloads, user documentation, support contact and services offering