DVA KEI TOO provides a professional support to subsoil users in developing the mineral exploration and extraction projects. The company has become a...

Contact Information

Company name: DVA KEI TOO

Company address: Bostandyksky district, Sanatoriy Alma Arasan str., 8/2 050036 ALMATY , KAZ


Partner Overview

DVA KEI TOO provides a professional support to subsoil users in developing the mineral exploration and extraction projects.  
The company has become a leader among the engineering and consulting conpanies in the area of the mining and economic engineering and consulting on the Kazakhstani market  for 15 years of operation. 

We offer an array of turnkey services in developing new and existing projects by way of tailoring efficient solutions in terms of deadlines and cost at all stages of the project on the basis of the training center and gelogy department with a field team, analytical laboratory, geology prospecting equipment and software.       
A comprehensive package of our services involving experienced experts is offered as a full alternative to the in-house resources of our clients, including the obtainment of subsoil use rights on a turnkey basis, obtainment of permits and approvals

Partner Highlights

Over the past several years, DVA KEI, using Geovia Surpac software, had successfully completed upwards of 50 subsoil use projects both in exploration and extraction, estimated reserves of three unique ore deposits (copper, uranium, tungsten) and had them approved by the State Committee for Mineral Reserves, and currently, DVA KEI is conducting exploration of the anthracite, tin, complex ores, gold, copper deposits.

The use of digital technologies will allow enhancing the efficiency of the uranium mines development and improving professional skills of Kazakhstani subsoil use specialists.


silver level

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