#06: How Would Disassembly Work Within a Circular Future?

Join us as we learn the crucial role of disassembly in achieving circularity and how to recover resources and reduce waste through sustainable design.

Disruptors Unleashed Podcast

#06: How Would Disassembly Work Within a Circular Future?

In this episode, our disassembly expert Tim McAloone reveals the profound role of disassembly in shaping a circular and sustainable future. Dive into strategies for optimizing materials in product design, disassembling and remanufacturing products for extended use and the escalating significance of right-to-repair movements, all of which contribute to the long-term viability of businesses worldwide. Discover more

Sustainability > Industry Experts > Dassault Systèmes®

Meet our speakers

Jonathan Dutton > Sustainability Marketing Director > Dassault Systèmes®
Jonathan Dutton
Sustainability Marketing Director, Dassault Systèmes
Tim McAloone > Professor, Technical University of Denmark > Dassault Systèmes®
Tim McAloone
Professor, Technical University of Denmark

“It really is important to challenge ourselves with the extremes when designing and developing products. It will be wonderful to be able to design products where we won’t need to think about the end-of-life qualities because they just last forever.”


Tim McAloone

Read the transcript

Narrator: This is Disruptors Unleashed, a series that explores the disruptive technologies shaping our world. Previously, we looked at the intricacies — and the environmental impact — of the refurbishment industry, with our trailblazers: Jonathan Dutton from Dassault Systèmes and Camille Richard from online e-commerce platform Back Market.

Jonathan joins us again to speak with Tim McAloone, a professor at the Technical University of Denmark. He shares with us his insights on the game-changing ways that disassembly is shaping a circular and sustainable future.

Jonathan: Hello, and welcome to this conversation on the positive actions that research education and industry are taking to achieve a sustainable economy. From resource depletion to pollution to consumer satisfaction, there is more than ever a need to decouple material usage from value creation. Today, we'll explore the need to disassemble today's manufactured products to recover resources, how products can be designed from scratch to be disassembled and how companies can reap the rewards of circular economy practices for long-term business viability.

I'm Jonathan Dutton, Sustainability Marketing Director at Dassault Systèmes and my guest today is Tim McAloone. Tim McAloone is a professor at the Technical University of Denmark. Tim works closely with Danish and international industries, creating new methods and models for a wide range of sustainability-related product development issues, such as circular economy, sustainable design and eco-innovation. Tim works with industrial companies, which is his main research object, and his international network spans very broadly.

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Learn more

Design for Disassembly in the Age of Circularity
Design for disassembly, a practice embraced by product developers, plays a crucial role in fostering a circular economy. By dismantling and repurposing original components, whether within the same product or an entirely new one, substantial environmental advantages can be achieved.
Made to Last with Better Waste Reduction
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Sustain the electric vehicle boom by scaling up cost-effective and durable battery recycling with virtual twin technology on a unified platform.
Circular Economy
The circular economy is gaining significant traction as a sustainable approach to resource management. Embracing principles of reducing, reusing, and recycling, the circular economy aims to minimize waste and maximize the lifespan of products, materials, and resources.
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