Innovation Made Easy

Connect your value chain for faster product development

Improve the Patient & Physician Experience


The pace of change in the Life Sciences industry is both exciting and extraordinary, resulting in core paradigm shifts in both strategies and processes for key industry stakeholders. Leading Life Sciences manufacturers understand that in order to meet the challenges they must excel in scientific leadership and innovate the processes throughout their ecosystem to create competitive advantage, and deliver holistic, superior patient and physician-centric experiences.

The transformation required by Life Sciences companies includes core shifts in business processes, strategic planning, regulatory frameworks, as well as technological solutions. They are shifting their focus to deliver superior, patient-centric, outcome-driven experiences and create the processes to support them. Doing this enables them to: 

Innovation in Clinical Trials

Even before COVID-19, many business sectors were facing challenges to improve service and product delivery, and were beginning to explore the benefits of virtualization. The need to accelerate this trend has been particularly high in healthcare, where virtualizing clinical trials – using remote, patient-centered technologies – can help propel the research necessary to bring new medicines to market.

Voice of the Patient: Clinical & Social Monitoring to Deliver Improved Patient Experiences


In addition to traditional clinical patient monitoring, patient activity monitoring and social listening offer Life Sciences companies additional tools and means to account for the voice of the patient in the design of the therapeutic solution offered to the patient.

Activity monitoring has unleased the potential to engage patients as advocates in their own care. It also offers medical practitioners real world assessments of their patients’ daily activity patterns  Social media empowers consumers to take charge of their own health and social monitoring tools can help providers focus on rising trends within a larger conversation and streamline their social messaging on topics consumers are most interested in.

By digitally connecting the dots; analyzing real time social data, delivering life-like, multi-scale and multi-physics models; allowing early simulation of real world conditions in the virtual world; including patients as actors of their clinical trials; and providing an end-to-end environment for exploration, discovery, development, testing, and commercialization – with full visibility across their internal and external ecosystems, the Dassault Systèmes 3DEXPERIENCE® platform offers the complete solution.

Machine learning reveals novel patient subtypes for rare disease

Castleman Disease Collaborative Network and MEDIDATA advance potential diagnosis and treatment options with omics data.

myMedidata - Medidata's Patient Portal

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Discover Dassault Systèmes®' Life Sciences industry solutions aiming to improve patient and physician experience, and organizational business excellence.

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