Would you like to have better visibility into your project ecosystem? Do you want to move beyond the confines of building information modeling (BIM)? How about improving your traceability and better managing risk? Virtual twin experiences on the 3DEXPERIENCE® platform allow project stakeholders to accelerate design best practices, have better project control with fewer surprises.

Solve Unique Stakeholder Challenges in Design


With systems thinking you can ensure your expectations are met on time and on budget while improving program oversight and transparency to help manage risk while the 3DEXPERIENCE Virtual Twin provides actionable data that can be used long after the design is constructed to deliver operational excellence.  An Ecosystem twin can improve communication across the project, ensuring all parties are engaged and aware of any potential impact to their community, the assets, the experience, or expectations.


As projects become more involved and teams are expected to manage greater amounts of complexity the 3DEXPERIENCE Virtual Twin, anchored with systems thinking, can help aggregate structured and unstructured project information to provide transparency and traceability to the needs and activities of a project.  This federated data allows for earlier simulation, concurrent design, and continuous improvement while earlier access to lifecycle data looking at constructability or operational improvements earlier in the design process can improve the final deliverable and save significant resources over the life of the asset.

Our services team can help deliver and leverage a virtual twin to communicate more effectively, capture best practice knowledge and experience, and provide your team with end-to-end visibility to validate and optimize a design’s performance before construction.


Leverage Knowledge Capture

Listen to the audio clip to discover why extending design information with data insights is essential.

Front-end Design > Kurt Ameringer, IE&M Industry Value Expert > Dassault Systèmes®

Transform the Global Infrastructure Scene — Together

Find out how the 3DEXPERIENCE platform redefines stakeholder collaboration for innovation and success across all infrastructure project stages.

Next Stage: 4. Construction

Predict construction challenges, minimize waste and achieve safe and sustainable infrastructure.