Digital Twins: The Next Big Thing to Manage Complexity & Risk

What value do digital twins deliver, how is the best information foundation for them set, and how can we go beyond them with 3DEXPERIENCE twins

The Complexity & Risk Challenge of Poor Information

Infrastructure,Energy & Materials businesses, whether they are in Power, Chemicals, Mining, Metals, or Oil & Gas, all feature inherently complex operations to engineer, construct and operate. Getting things wrong because the right information is not available can increase risks, impact safety, costs, and reduce efficiency. 

A look at the impact of poor information shows us that design engineers, for example, can spend 30% of time is just looking for information. With many large companies having as many as 1,000 different applications, ranging from project management, to authorizing, and optimization, the likelihood that different stakeholders will disagree what is correct is amplified as all have different sources of data.  

Poor information in capital projects has been shown to result in 79% of them not meeting quality requirements, 50% running over budget, 58% being late, and 69% of them having unreliable production capacity.

To address this, many companies in our industry are exploring transformation projects to deploy Digital Twins that will help perfect engineering and operational performance with a virtual replica of the real world. Getting to a digital twin requires unifying information better connect the dots between people, process, and data. The benefits include better handover, on-time delivery, asset longevity, improved cost margin, and reduced safety risks.  

At Dassault Systèmes, our 3DEXPERIENCE Twins go a step further than simple digital twins as they further reduce the distance between the real and virtual worlds. Within them, everything is digitally connected together in 3D, right to the back to the engineering design. As everyone shares the same view of the truth, handover between EPC’s and owner operators is seamless and tasks across disciplines are optimized as a whole.

Managing Complexity & Risk Webinar

Discover digital twins, the benefits they deliver, and how to set the right information platform behind them to maximize the value they deliver.

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