Specialist Retailers

Solutions for ensuring logistics excellence and compelling selling experiences across all channels for Specialist Retailers such as Sporting Goods & Footwear retailers, Optical retailers, Electronics & Appliances retailers, Office Supplies retailers, Baby Equipment retailers, and Food & Beverage retailers.

The last mile of distribution

Retailers are focusing on the final leg of a product’s journey to deliver improved customer value


Last Mile Delivery

Retailers looking to differentiate themselves in the new economy must focus on maximizing customer service. This means providing a wide range of real-time, dynamic delivery pricing and speed options. Retailers also must ensure on-time delivery and delivery-split options. Intelligent logistics solutions with these capabilities (and more) are required if retailers are to remain competitive while keeping up with the choice and customization requirements of today’s marketplace.

Anywhere. Anytime. Made for me.

Discover the new challenges raised by the evolution of consumer needs, in search of new experiences. Learn how to solve the resulting complex puzzle: reconcile back-end and front-end.

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