Unite and Conquer Smart Product Development Challenges

Overcome complexities in smart product development with Dassault Systèmes' best-in-class systems approach on a unified platform.

As the smart connected product industry surges ahead to reach approximately USD616 billion in market size by 20321, the need for faster and better innovation in smart product development has never been more pressing.

However, the increasing complexities in multisystem integration, evolving consumer demands and technological advancements pose significant challenges. Overcoming this necessitates a cohesive strategy across multidisciplinary teams. The solution? A platform-driven, model-based systems engineering (MBSE) approach that provides a unified strategy and full visibility to tackle various smart product development challenges in real time.

Dive into our guide, packed with experts' insights to uncover our MBSE approach to effectively navigate and accelerate smart product development.

How to Integrate and Accelerate Smart Product Development

Speed up innovation with a best-in-class model-based systems approach and integrated platform efficiency.

Why Is It Difficult to Design and Develop Smart Products?

Designing and developing smart products presents various complex systems engineering challenges as it combines mechanical, electrical, electronic and software technology into a single product. Since most solutions are engineered independently for each discipline, they lack crucial interoperability and control — making it difficult for companies to balance the competing needs of different disciplines and functionalities.

Here are more challenges smart product companies must tackle from the outset while keeping an eye on profits.

What Is Dassault Systèmes' Approach To Smart Product Design and Development?

Dassault Systèmes' strategy to overcome the smart product development challenges leverages the MBSE approach on the 3DEXPERIENCE® platform.

With the advanced tools and capabilities of our 3DEXPERIENCE platform, we simplify complexities to create a transparent end-to-end process. Unlike other digital models, our MBSE approach on a unified platform uses a standard language, such as SysML, to detect design errors early and integrate seamlessly. This improves accuracy, reduces development time and cost and enhances real-time collaboration.

In managing the multifaceted environment in product design, our MBSE approach provides a structured and efficient model to optimize complex designs:

Break down complex systems into manageable components and define requirements and interactions needed for smart, connected systems design.

Foster real-time, multidisciplinary collaboration across hardware, software and complex interfaces.

Create a centralized hub for data and documentation of knowledge that is crucial for future replication, maintenance and improvements.

Integrate and manage smart products' lifecycles for traceability and time and cost savings while accelerating innovation.

Our virtual twin experience empowers companies to make products smarter, establishing a competitive edge. Engineering teams can run multiple simulations to optimize product designs. This ensures products meet safety and performance requirements and comply with crucial regulatory standards, such as the Matter standard — all without expensive prototyping. Modeling and simulation also help companies lead the innovation race with quality that exceeds market expectations.

Enable Smart Product Development Today

To kickstart accelerated development, adopting a MBSE approach is essential. Watch the video below to discover why beginning with an MBSE approach in smart product development sets you on the right path to success, especially as we continue to face the surge in consumer demands and emerging new technologies.

MBSE in Smart Product Development: FAQ

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