Leverage the full potential of data and ensure sovereignty

Accessing quality data, securing their use and access is a key responsability for Cities and Public Services to secure their digital transformation.

Exploit and Protect strategic data for governments and citizens

Face new challenges

Public actors are increasingly asking for reliable solutions ensuring public information security and data privacy for citizens.


The big data revolution is an opportunity for public actors to develop more efficient ways to govern and cope with climate change and citizens expectations. Public Authorities are complex organisations, they produce and agregate tremendous volumes of data which support political leaders in gaining deep understanding of situations and take informed decisions.


In the meantime, Public Authorities have to guarantee data sovereignty for the sake of citizens and public security.

Streamline data access and security

Adopt the strategy
  • Start with the data. Data is key to the equation for building sustainable, inclusive, and sustainable public policies. As more data is shared across the ecosystem and more stakeholder feedback is integrated, the model improves.
  • Make better-informed decisions. Extract more value from existing data. Connect information to context. Create new collective knowledge. Use advanced visualization and simulation capabilities. 
  • Guarantee sovereignty processing data in an optimal and secured way.
Act for Cities & Urban Sustainability
How can sustainable cities thrive as urbanization increases?
Virtual Twin Experiences in Infrastructure & Cities
Sustainability boosting urban transformation
A sustainable, resilient and inclusive city
Data make it possible not only to manage, regulate and plan the way cities work, but also to invent new types of services.

Discover how our Public Services Solution Experiences can help you solve your challenges

Accelerate innovation and ensure a sustainable and resilient future for your citizens.

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