Cities and Public Services are at a critical juncture in the evolution of the society. Elected officials, public agencies and public contractors have to rapidly adapt to unprecedented pressures to meet rising citizens expectations: rapid and massive urbanization, climate change impacts, security and sovereignty concerns, and public budget constraints. Digital technologies are a game changer for the public sector to build a resilient and sustainable society.

In The Spotlight

Serving the needs of all stakeholders across the Cities & Public Services value chain

Cities & Public Administrations
Digitize public organizations to deliver optimized public policy for a sustainable society.
Public Contractors
Public contractors operate public infrastructures and services on behalf of public authorities to provide a higher quality of service to citizens.
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Addressing the business challenges of the Cities & Public Services

Increasingly impactful climate and social changes
The growing pressure of climate and social changes on governments, businesses and communities have catalysed Cities and public Authorities to action.
Leverage the full potential of data and ensure sovereignty
Accessing quality data, securing their use and access is a key responsability for Cities and Public Services to secure their digital transformation.
Transform public administration to more efficiency
Transform and modernise your operating model to better serve citizens, offer a better working environment to public servants, and rationalize public spendings.

Virtual Twin of Cities

Cities are systems of systems, making them the most complex system to make sense of. Leaders today are looking for new digital technologies to better understand this complexity and empower cities to define the best policies for a more sustainable, inclusive and citizen-centric future.

Dassault Systèmes’ virtual twin technology helps cities gather and organize consistent and comprehensive sets of data to analyze, visualize and simulate any situation, leveraging data from all stakeholders. It provides a collaborative, common and secured platform with a holistic view of the entire city ecosystem to ensure informed decision-making.

Virtual Twin technology and the 3DEXPERIENCE platform make it possible for cities to identify and simulate issues earlier, faster and more cost-effectively. Subsequently, they can plan and adjust the right responses to meet and even exceed citizen expectations.

Virtual Twin of Cities > Dassault Systèmes

Trends in the Cities & Public Services