Training Catalog

The current CATIA / No Magic training catalog is listed in the matrix below. The matrix provides a summary of the courses offered, their durations, geographic areas in which each is offered, and any course prerequisites. Click on the title of any course in the matrix to see a syllabus for that course. All CATIA / No Magic training classes can be delivered either in an onsite mode at a location specified by a specific customer, or in a virtual/interactive mode.

Please note that the email address to request further information about a course, or to schedule training classes for courses, has changed:

  • For requests in North America only, please contact the CATIA / No Magic Training Department at:
  • For requests in all other geographic regions, please contact the CATIA / No Magic Training Department at:



Areas Available




North America

Europe, Middle East, Africa, Russia

Asia, Australia, & Other Pacific South


Software Architecture

UML with MagicDraw / Magic Software Architect

3 Days





Applying UML and MagicDraw in Software Development

3 Days





Solution Architecture

SysML Intensive with MBSE using Cameo Systems  Modeler / Magic Cyber-Systems Engineer

5 Days





Applying MBSE with SysML and MagicGrid

3 Days





Enterprise Architecture

DODAF with UPDM using Cameo Enterprise Architecture / Magic Systems of Systems Architect

5 Days





UAF Comprehensive with Cameo Enterprise Architecture / Magic Systems of Systems Architect

5 Days




SysML Intensive with MBSE Using Cameo Systems  Modeler / Magic Cyber-Systems Engineer

Applying UAF with Cameo Enterprise Architecture / Magic Systems of Systems Architect

4 Days





Applying NAF 3.1 with UAF

4 Days





Applying NAF 4 with UAF

4 Days





Process Modeling

Applying BPMN and Cameo Business Modeler in Business Process Modeling

2 Days





Tool/Feature Based Courses  (Pre-requisite:  UML with MagicDraw / Magic Software Architect OR  SysML Intensive with MBSE using Cameo Systems  Modeler / Magic Cyber-Systems Engineer)

Report Wizard and VTL

2.5 Days




See Category line above

Teamwork Cloud / Collaboration Studio Project Strategies and Best Practices

2 Days




See Category line above

Developing Queries to Assess Your Model

3 Days




See Category line above

Simulation Toolkit Fundamentals with Cameo Systems Modeler / Magic Cyber-Systems Engineer

2 Days




See Category line above

Simulation Toolkit with Cameo Systems Modeler / Magic Cyber-Systems Engineer

5 Days




See Category line above


New Training Partner

CATIA / No Magic is pleased to announce an additional training resource and format for SysML and No Magic core tool training through our new partnership with Delligatti Associates. Delligatti Associates is a leading provider of live online and on-demand online SysML and MBSE courses.  

Delligatti Associates offers two courses in both live and on-demand formats: 

  • OCSMP Accelerator™ SysML Training Course:  This course gives your team the fluency in SysML they need to express their system design decisions in the form of a SysML model. This course is sufficient in breadth and depth to prepare your team for Level 1 and Level 2 OCSMP (i.e., SysML) certification, if they choose to pursue that credential. 
  • OOSEM Accelerator™ MBSE Methodology Training Course:  This course walks participants through the INCOSE Object-Oriented Systems Engineering Method (OOSEM) modeling method as they build a model step-by-step hands-on in the Cameo Systems Modeler (a.k.a. MagicDraw) modeling and simulation tool. (Please note: proficiency in SysML is a prerequisite for this second course.)

To learn more about these courses, please go to:

If you are interested in this training option, you can purchase these courses directly from Delligatti Associates at:, then select either On Demand Online Training or Live Online Training. 

With each course purchase, you will receive a free 30-day license for Cameo Systems Modeler and instructions to download the software.

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