3DEXPERIENCE Center Munich

A place where virtual and real world merge

Munich is not only well known as a center for digitalization initiatives and automotive progress, it has also become a magnet for the European start-up scene. It is a place where the virtual and the real world melt together. Companies from multiple industries are in a transformation towards more and better connectivity, digital continuity and the elimination of silos. That also means there is a need for a more holistic future oriented way of developing products and services and to adjust and transform processes, strategies and technologies accordingly. Resilience, sustainability and agility are at the heart of what companies across multiple industries strive for on their journey to a connected industry.

Visit us at the 3DEXPERIENCE Center in Munich and discover what options already exist today to fulfill the needs of tomorrows industry.

The 3DEXPERIENCE Center Munich - digital continuity plays a decisive role

It takes a combination of design, modelling and simulation in order to align all stakeholders and resources of a project along the entire process -from the initial idea to a final work environment.

At the 3DEXPERIENCE Center Munich we take on that challenge and show how the 3DEXPERIENCE platform helps to digitally reinvent processes even before the first prototype is initiated.  

Explore the 3DEXPERIENCE live

In order to successfully implement these strategies, industries need holistic software solutions that are up to speed with entirely new requirements. Our 3DEXPERIENCE® Center in Munich shows these virtual solutions live and allows to discover the 3DEXPERIENCE TWIN in action.

The 3DEXPERIENCE® in Munich focuses on the following areas of innovation:

  • Improved product quality through a virtual model
  • Lean management and efficient project collaboration
  • Faster and higher maturity through virtual reality
  • Learning from nature - lightweight construction concepts
  • Systems engineering - holistic approach to product development

Discover our solutions

Grow your ideas even further


We foster innovation of selected start-ups at our innovation labs! Register now for the program and pitch your start-up to the next level! Got a project and want to work with the experts from Dassault Systèmes on your projects at the 3DEXPERIENCE Lab in Munich? The opening of the new location in Munich will be announced shortly.

3DEXPERIENCE Center Hamburg

Networking with the right partners is important - that is why one of our 3DEXPERIENCE Centers is located in the ZAL.

Blogs and Magazines

Interested to read more about industry trends, tech trends and news about the 3DEXPERIENCE platform? Why not visit our 3DPerspectives Blog or take a look at the Compass Magazine?