On the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, modeling and simulation are tightly integrated in a unified experience called MODSIM. It enables companies to make computational testing with physics-based simulation a foundational part of their innovation process resulting in less real-world testing and prototyping while lowering cost and reducing risk. As a result, little or no redesign is needed, physical certification testing is successful, and high quality products can get to market faster. 

Sustainable Product Innovation

MODSIM is more than just CAD-CAE tool integration. It is about accelerating the efficiency of simulation-based design by bringing together the right people, their processes, and best-in-class tools to automate data transfer, geometry clean-up, and model building for product assemblies of all sizes. The knowledge and know-how generated throughout the entire modeling and simulation process is captured and institutionalized, becoming more valuable to the entire organization. And doing it all in a production environment available anywhere on any device that fosters the sustainable innovation needed to solve today’s urgent challenges.

Virtual Performance Validation

Dassault Systèmes, with its industry leading multi-disciplinary simulation capabilities on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, enables early and comprehensive assessments to better ensure that new designs are sustainable, certified, and efficient in today’s resource constrained world. Science-based realistic simulation enables new ideas to be evaluated quickly to find the best trade-offs at the earliest design phases while remaining within time and budget constraints. Companies can then accelerate the product lifecycle with confidence – from concept to certification – and gain first-to-market advantage.

Watch a panel of experts discussing eVTOL development and simulation.

Community Approach

The MODSIM user community gathers simulation, modeling and design experts of CATIA and SIMULIA. Our aim is simple: break down the silos between design, modeling and simulation and see the value that looking at the product design and validation process as a whole can bring. Find presentations, demos, tutorials and discuss with us! Find also replays, presentations, speakers of all MODSIM 3DEXPERIENCE conferences.

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