大多数 SIMULIA 培训课程都可以选择讲师指导培训或点播培训。展开下面的主题可查找现有培训课程。单击章节标题中的链接可下载包含该库课程描述的目录。要查找课程的公开培训时间表,请单击课程标题。
要详细了解点播库的订阅,请访问 Learning Experiences for SIMULATION。有关申请参加达索系统讲师指导培训,寻找合作伙伴提供培训等事宜,请点击此处。
要查找本节课程的描述,请下载 SIMULIA 3DEXPERIENCE 课程 目录。
以下课程可点播。单击下方链接可查看每门课程的目录。要详细了解如何访问这些点播课程,请访问 仿真学习体验。
- 3DEXPERIENCE Simulation Primer for Abaqus/CAE Users
- Abaqus Study Essentials
- Connector for Abaqus/CAE Essentials
- Connector for CST Essentials
- Connector for PowerFLOW: Connecting PowerDELTA and 3DEXPERIENCE
- Connector for Simpack Essentials
- Explore the Structural Performance Engineer Role
- Getting Started with Automation and Optimization
- Getting Started with Physics Simulation
- Physics Simulation Review Essentials
- Process Experience Studio Essentials
- Additive Manufacturing Scenario Essentials
- Antenna Placement Essentials
- Composite Structures Simulation Essentials
- Design Exploration Essentials
- Durability Simulation Essentials
- Fluid Simulation Essentials
- Fluid Simulation: Advanced Topics
- Linear Structural Scenario Creation Essentials
- Linear Structural Validation Essentials
- Material Calibration Essentials
- Mechanical Scenario Creation Essentials
- Mechanical Scenario Creation: Linear Dynamics
- Model Assembly Design Essentials
- Motion Analysis Essentials
- Multiscale Experiment Creation Essentials
- Parametric Design Improvement: Fluids
- Parametric Design Improvement: Structural
- Performance Study Essentials
- Performance Trade-off Essentials
- Physics Results Explorer Essentials
- Plastic Injection Essentials
- Plastic Part Filling Essentials
- Process Composer Essentials
- Results Analytics Essentials
- Simulation Model Design Essentials
- Simulation Scripting Essentials
- Static Study Essentials
- Structural Model Creation Essentials
- Structural Model Creation: Geometry and Meshing
- Structural Scenario Creation Essentials
- Structural Simulation Essentials
- Structural Simulation: Heat Transfer and Thermal-Stress Analysis
要查找本节课程的描述,请下载 Learning Experience for SIMULIA Structures 目录。
大多数 SIMULIA 培训课程都可以选择讲师指导培训或点播培训;有关点播库的更多信息,请访问 Learning Experiences for SIMULATION。
要查找本节课程的描述,请下载 Learning Experience for SIMULIA Structures 目录。
大多数 SIMULIA 培训课程都可以选择讲师指导培训或点播培训;有关点播库的更多信息,请访问 Learning Experiences for SIMULATION。
- Abaqus for Offshore Analysis
- Abaqus/CAE: Geometry Import and Meshing
- Abaqus/Explicit: Advanced Topics
- Adaptive Remeshing in Abaqus/Standard
- Advanced Abaqus Scripting
- Analysis of Composite Materials with Abaqus
- Analysis of Geotechnical Problems with Abaqus
- Automotive NVH with Abaqus
- Buckling, Postbuckling and Collapse Analysis with Abaqus
- Co-simulation with Abaqus and Dymola
- Composites Modeler for Abaqus/CAE
- Connector Elements and Mechanism Analysis with Abaqus
- Crashworthiness Analysis with Abaqus
- CZone for Abaqus
- Electrochemical Simulation with Abaqus for Li-ion Batteries
- Element Selection in Abaqus
- GUI Customization with Abaqus
- Heat Transfer and Thermal-Stress Analysis with Abaqus
- Linear Dynamics with Abaqus
- Metal Forming with Abaqus
- Metal Inelasticity in Abaqus
- Modeling Contact and Resolving Convergence Issues with Abaqus
- Modeling Contact with Abaqus/Standard
- Modeling Extreme Deformation and Fluid Flow with Abaqus
- Modeling Fracture and Failure with Abaqus
- Modeling Rubber and Viscoelasticity with Abaqus
- Modeling Stents Using Abaqus
- Obtaining a Converged Solution with Abaqus
- Structural-Acoustic Analysis Using Abaqus
- Substructures and Submodeling with Abaqus
- Testing and Analysis of Elastomers(仅限本人:课程描述)
- Tire Analysis with Abaqus: Fundamentals
- Tire Analysis with Abaqus: Advanced Topics
- Writing User Subroutines with Abaqus
要查找本节课程的描述,请下载 Learning Experience for SIMULIA Electromagnetics 目录。
大多数 SIMULIA 培训课程都可以选择讲师指导培训或点播培训;有关点播库的更多信息,请访问 Learning Experiences for SIMULATION。
- Introduction to CST Studio Suite
- CST Studio Suite - Antenna Placement
- CST Studio Suite - Charged Particle Dynamics
- CST Studio Suite - EDA / SI-PI
- CST Studio Suite - EMC/EMI
- CST Studio Suite - Low Frequency
- CST Studio Suite - Microwave and Antenna
- CST Studio Suite - Multiphysics
- CST Studio Suite - Spark3D
要查找本节课程的描述,请下载 Learning Experience for SIMULIA Structures 目录。
大多数 SIMULIA 培训课程都可以选择讲师指导培训或点播培训;有关点播库的更多信息,请访问 Learning Experiences for SIMULATION。
要查找本节课程的描述,请下载 Learning Experience for SIMULIA Structures 目录。
大多数 SIMULIA 培训课程都可以选择讲师指导培训或点播培训;有关点播库的更多信息,请访问 Learning Experiences for SIMULATION。
如需咨询有关 Manatee 培训和服务的信息,请通过我们的 Manatee 页面联系我们。
要查找本节课程的描述,请下载 Learning Experience for SIMULIA Electromagnetics 目录。
大多数 SIMULIA 培训课程都可以选择讲师指导培训或点播培训;有关点播库的更多信息,请访问 Learning Experiences for SIMULATION。
要查找本节课程的描述,请下载 Learning Experience for SIMULIA Fluids 目录。
大多数 SIMULIA 培训课程都可以选择讲师指导培训或点播培训;有关点播库的更多信息,请访问 Learning Experiences for SIMULATION。
要查找本节课程的描述,请下载 Learning Experience for SIMULIA Multibody Systems 目录。
大多数 SIMULIA 培训课程都可以选择讲师指导培训或点播培训;有关点播库的更多信息,请访问 Learning Experiences for SIMULATION。
要查找本节课程的描述,请下载 Learning Experience for SIMULIA Structures 目录。
大多数 SIMULIA 培训课程都可以选择讲师指导培训或点播培训;有关点播库的更多信息,请访问 Learning Experiences for SIMULATION。
要查找本节课程的描述,请下载 Learning Experience for SIMULIA Fluids 目录。
大多数 SIMULIA 培训课程都可以选择讲师指导培训或点播培训;有关点播库的更多信息,请访问 Learning Experiences for SIMULATION。
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