Mar 11 2020

T25-2020 Notification regarding BIOVIA Foundation 2020 Hot Fix 1

BIOVIA Foundation


BIOVIA Foundation


We are providing this Technical Note to inform you about the release of BIOVIA Foundation 2020 Hot Fix 1, which includes the following:

New Features

DAT-16018: The Activity Results grid now provides Reported columns for all data types.
DAT-15563: The Filters panel in task plans and all of the the task widgets now includes a Sample ID field for finding tasks associated with specific samples.
DAT-16129: New column added to Task grids to show if the predecessor status has been met or not.
DAT-16229: Samples can now be added to in-progress data acquisition tasks. They can also be removed, split, or extracted, but only if the task does not yet have any sample mappings.
DAT-16237: It is now possible to assign a new owner to a task plan (the creator of the task plan is the initial owner). A collaborative space leader or the task plan owner can use the "Change Owner" life cycle action to assign a new owner to the task plan. The new owner will be able to do anything the creator of the task plan could do (as long as the owner has at least Author access role to that collaborative space).
DAT-16533: System control added so tasks are created from approved Activities with the exception of the Activity owner who can create tasks from other Activity lifecycle states.
DAT-17388: History window enhanced to display Signature Events of the selected entity.
DAT-17389: History window enhanced to display Lifecycle Events of the selected entity.
DAT-17734: Access events, when configured, are now viewable from the History window.
DAT-17738: Added the ability to define readings on the equipment class. This does not currently affect parsing and measurements – it is informational only.
DAT-17742: Pivot of data from the Activity Results tab now supports any column of type numeric, quantity, string, and vocabulary.
DAT-17759: The Activity Results grid contains a new context menu option, Hide Invalid Results and Tasks. (When this option is selected, the option for toggling invalid results and tasks between red and black has no impact.)
DAT-17767: The Samples grid on task plans and in the Samples widget now provide a Master Sample ID column and a Master Sample Y/N column.
DAT-17989: The history page for specification method conditions now shows changes to the parameter values for a condition.
DAT-18034: Updated the Publish life cycle to send state change notifications to applications that subscribe to the events. This feature is used by Compose to manage life cycles of recipes.
SEC-5605: CDS Add-Ins now check the user's permission to a task plan before allowing the import of the samples into a new sequence. CDS Add-In user accounts must match the Hub account (i.e. must be the same LDAP account in both systems).
SEC-5616: The Materials widget now displays PEX material lists.
SEC-5794: Materials can now be added to and deleted from the Hub Materials grid.
SEC-5962: The Chromeleon Add-In now creates a summary result row for each group of peaks and reports the grouped data as values for that grouped peak. This is similar to the grouped peak result row provided by the Empower Add-In.
SEC-5999: The CDS Add-Ins now support maximizing (and minimizing) the size of the Import Samples dialog to make it easier to view more sample information during the import process.
SEC-6001: The CDS Add-Ins support filtering tasks by status during sample import to the CDS to exclude abandoned or other invalid tasks. The list of states to filter can be configured in Admin and Settings via a Hub application setting.
SEC-6118: Inventory System mappings can now support extended properties of data types number, text string, date, Boolean, and quantity.
SEC-6272: Inventory System mappings for CISPro container, the Owner, and Units have been enhanced to improve readability in the Materials grid.
SEC-6308: Containers can now be removed from the Materials grid.
SEC-6309: Materials grid supports editing of non-mapped material fields.
SEC-6310: Inventory System mapping requires a minimum set of properties to support consistent user experience.
SEC-6328: The Materials grid was refined by re-ordering and adjusting the widths of the columns in its Default view.
SEC-6329: Added Container Extended Properties support for CISPro and Foundation Hub Inventory.
SEC-6342: The Task Plan Materials tab now supports refreshing material and container metadata from the linked inventory system.

Fixed Defects

We are providing this Technical Note to inform you about the release of BIOVIA Foundation 2020 Hot Fix 1, which includes the following:
New Features
DAT-16018: The Activity Results grid now provides Reported columns for all data types.
DAT-15563: The Filters panel in task plans and all of the the task widgets now includes a Sample ID field for finding tasks associated with specific samples.
DAT-16129: New column added to Task grids to show if the predecessor status has been met or not.
DAT-16229: Samples can now be added to in-progress data acquisition tasks. They can also be removed, split, or extracted, but only if the task does not yet have any sample mappings.
DAT-16237: It is now possible to assign a new owner to a task plan (the creator of the task plan is the initial owner). A collaborative space leader or the task plan owner can use the "Change Owner" life cycle action to assign a new owner to the task plan. The new owner will be able to do anything the creator of the task plan could do (as long as the owner has at least Author access role to that collaborative space).
DAT-16533: System control added so tasks are created from approved Activities with the exception of the Activity owner who can create tasks from other Activity lifecycle states.
DAT-17388: History window enhanced to display Signature Events of the selected entity.
DAT-17389: History window enhanced to display Lifecycle Events of the selected entity.
DAT-17734: Access events, when configured, are now viewable from the History window.
DAT-17738: Added the ability to define readings on the equipment class. This does not currently affect parsing and measurements – it is informational only.
DAT-17742: Pivot of data from the Activity Results tab now supports any column of type numeric, quantity, string, and vocabulary.
DAT-17759: The Activity Results grid contains a new context menu option, Hide Invalid Results and Tasks. (When this option is selected, the option for toggling invalid results and tasks between red and black has no impact.)
DAT-17767: The Samples grid on task plans and in the Samples widget now provide a Master Sample ID column and a Master Sample Y/N column.
DAT-17989: The history page for specification method conditions now shows changes to the parameter values for a condition.
DAT-18034: Updated the Publish life cycle to send state change notifications to applications that subscribe to the events. This feature is used by Compose to manage life cycles of recipes.
SEC-5605: CDS Add-Ins now check the user's permission to a task plan before allowing the import of the samples into a new sequence. CDS Add-In user accounts must match the Hub account (i.e. must be the same LDAP account in both systems).
SEC-5616: The Materials widget now displays PEX material lists.
SEC-5794: Materials can now be added to and deleted from the Hub Materials grid.
SEC-5962: The Chromeleon Add-In now creates a summary result row for each group of peaks and reports the grouped data as values for that grouped peak. This is similar to the grouped peak result row provided by the Empower Add-In.
SEC-5999: The CDS Add-Ins now support maximizing (and minimizing) the size of the Import Samples dialog to make it easier to view more sample information during the import process.
SEC-6001: The CDS Add-Ins support filtering tasks by status during sample import to the CDS to exclude abandoned or other invalid tasks. The list of states to filter can be configured in Admin and Settings via a Hub application setting.
SEC-6118: Inventory System mappings can now support extended properties of data types number, text string, date, Boolean, and quantity.
SEC-6272: Inventory System mappings for CISPro container, the Owner, and Units have been enhanced to improve readability in the Materials grid.
SEC-6308: Containers can now be removed from the Materials grid.
SEC-6309: Materials grid supports editing of non-mapped material fields.
SEC-6310: Inventory System mapping requires a minimum set of properties to support consistent user experience.
SEC-6328: The Materials grid was refined by re-ordering and adjusting the widths of the columns in its Default view.
SEC-6329: Added Container Extended Properties support for CISPro and Foundation Hub Inventory.
SEC-6342: The Task Plan Materials tab now supports refreshing material and container metadata from the linked inventory system.

Fixed Defects

DAT-17248: In early releases of Compose and Hub, it was possible to edit certain system-controlled parameter templates, thereby creating new versions of the templates. In a later release, these system parameter templates were marked hidden but the new versions, if they existed, were not. Consequently, some system parameter templates were visible in Compose that should have be hidden. These system parameter templates are no longer visible in Compose.
DAT-17303: Sample collection date now displays in the samples' Chain of Custody report.
DAT-17519: The Samples and Activity Results pages now display decimal values using the correct decimal separator of the client locale setting.
DAT-17604: Signature policies with excluded signers now work correctly in Admin and Settings. An excluded signer will be prevented from signing for a change but will still be able to access entities of that type after the failed signature attempt.
DAT-17611: Task Plan Results tab now displays task-level parameters of text data type regardless if a sample input parameter is defined or not.
DAT-17782: Issue with editing large number of samples from the Task Plan edit task dialog has been corrected.
DAT-17784: Task ID link, which opens a new browser tab depending on the task type, is now consistently applied in Task Plan and Widgets.
DAT-17832: Fixed an issue that could cause the Empower Add-In to run out of memory when sending particularly large result sets to the measurement store.
DAT-17948: Fixed an issue that caused creation of 200 samples in a single operation to be significantly slower than the 2019 SP2 release. Creation of 200 samples is now faster than 2019 SP2 performance.
DAT-17952: The widgetviews API endpoint now has a default sort order and properly supports the $skip OData parameter.
DAT-17965: Fixed an issue that caused the Pivot Results Protocol, to display incorrectly when a sample has 2 URN fields.
DAT-18152: Fixed an issue that occurred when a protocol is executed from the Samples tab with more than 100 samples selected. Now all selected samples are sent to the protocol.
DAT-18190: The Pivot Protocol now include all results for data acquisition tasks.
DAT-18205: The life cycle context menu (receive, return) is now available from the All Tasks widget.
DAT-18207: Task Split corrected for use case when create task from Activity Plan.
DAT-18293: Fixed an issue that showed only the first sample of a split task when a re-test task is split into multiple tasks.
DAT-18396: Fixed an issue that caused the task results double pivot to fail when one or more parameters did not have an actual value.
DAT-18432: Task grid context menu "lifecycle > receive" corrected to only display when selected samples are in the appropriate lifecycle state.
DAT-18443: It is no longer possible to create a signature policy of signer type User/Group without specifying at least one user or group.
DAT-18483: Client timezone now displays in the History window after switching between a collaborative space.
DAT-18515: Task Plan Materials tab now correctly displays materials and samples.
DAT-18543: History window will now display sample events associated with Group and Ungroup actions.
SEC-6139: The Chromeleon Add-In now sends peaks for all defined components of the sequence.
SEC-6360: Trailing whitespace trimmed on entity Material, InventoryContainer, and PropertyValue (extended properties).
SEC-6386: Fixed an issue that allowed unvalidated redirects from the auth and logout endpoints.
DAT-12391: History window now displays the Sample ID, which is the unique identifier from samples.
DAT-15808: Improved sizing of sub-grids to reduced wasted white space in Task Plan and Widgets.
DAT-17214: Updated database query to improve performance of expanding the Task Plan widget.
DAT-17438: Activity Results grid will now correctly hide cloned Attribute parameter and cloned Interpretation parameter columns when empty.
DAT-17596: Fixed an issue that could cause the landing page to load slowly after signing in to the system.
DAT-17800: Fixed an issue that caused an error message to be displayed when clicking a signer name in the signature policy edit dialog in Admin and Settings.
DAT-17946: Fixed an issue with HIPAA logging that logged attempted access to data that had not yet been saved, which could log access to invalid (non-existent) entities.
DAT-18128: Task plan owner and the collaborative space owner are now able to move the task plan to a different collaborative space.
DAT-18197: Changed the Melody GC logging strategy to avoid overwriting GC logs on service restart.
DAT-18218: The Requestor Experiment Link and Analyst Experiment Link are now displayed in the Task Plan, My Task widget, and Available Task widget.
DAT-18231: Fixed an issue that failed to load the new history page layout when an incorrect identifier is provided when viewing history in Admin and Settings.
DAT-18261: Private "Nested Sample View" and "Nested Task View" have precedence over public ones when displaying sub-grid columns. 
DAT-18274: Corrected the missing checkboxes on the Results Tab grid.
DAT-18297: Fixed an issue that prevented removal of multiple tasks from a sample via the samples tab of Task Plan.
DAT-18305: Fixed an issue that prevented editing of planned values, upper limits, and lower limits of parameters created from parameter templates that had previously been edited.
DAT-18350: Parameters on the $history facet are now HTML encoded thereby preventing the browser from executing inserted JavaScript code.
DAT-18382: The user is now correctly redirected to the task plans widget after cancelling creation of a new task plan.
DAT-18480: Activity lifecycle transitions from 'Mark as Reviewed' to 'Approved' now reflect the transitioning user rather than service account.
DAT-18533: History window displaying of lifecycle events for a Retest now shows action as 'retest'.
DAT-18570: Added a database index to improve performance of queries on the hub message tables.
DAT-18574: Fixed an issue that caused the Equipment Adapter grid to be too small.
SEC-5998: The Empower Add-In now prompts for the system name only once when sending multiple results from a result set that does not have a system name. It previously prompted once per result.
SEC-6227: Disabled column filters on the Import Materials dialog Disable
SEC-6229: The Empower Add-In now displays date values correctly in the progress dialog.
SEC-6256: Fixed an issue that caused an error message to be displayed when entering a fail result the first time a metrology event is executed in Admin & Settings.
SEC-6264: The Chromeleon Add-In no longer hangs if it cannot access Foundation Hub.
SEC-6302: Added fill-down (Ctrl+D) to the Materials grid.
SEC-6322: Changing to equipment event types on the Equipment Type are now correctly reflected on the Equipment of that equipment type.
SEC-6334: Corrected an issue that caused some equipment events to display an incorrect value for the client time zone.
SEC-6335: Fixed an issue that caused changes to a conditional extended property to not be reflected in the materials table grid.
SEC-6346: The Chromeleon Add-In can now be installed on Windows 10 (64-bit) operating system.
SEC-6368: Fixed an issue that allowed unvalidated redirects from the specauthoring/assignCert endpoint.
SEC-6391: Hub Material findMaterials API enhanced with a filter to search both "inventoryMaterial Name" and "aliases" fields
SEC-6419: Inventory System mapping of CISPro "Container Type" corrected so data displays in the Materials grid.
DAT-14811: Action buttons in Task Plan and Widgets are now kept in the same order.
DAT-18279: Clicking the "Enter Results for Data Acquisition Task" button multiple times no longer duplicates the sample rows in the data entry page.


Operating System

All Operating Systems supported for BIOVIA Foundation 2020


BIOVIA Foundation 2020 Hot Fix 1 was released on December 19, 2019. To discuss availability please contact Customer Support.

How to contact BIOVIA Support

If you have any questions, please contact BIOVIA Support.