T68-2024 Notification regarding BIOVIA ENOVIA QUMAS EDMS 2024

We are providing this Technical Note to inform you about the release of BIOVIA ENOVIA QUMAS EDMS 2024 which includes the following enhancements and fixed defects:



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All supported operating systems


We are providing this Technical Note to inform you about the release of BIOVIA ENOVIA QUMAS EDMS 2024 which includes the following enhancements and fixed defects:


This release BIOVIA ENOVIA QUMAS EDMS includes the following enhancements.

User StoryDescription
CS-357The Major version of Content services is now 2024.
DOC-6336The Major version of DocCompliance is now 2024.
DOC-6431A workflow assignment check has been added when removing users from ROLES. The QMb_Role.GetDetails method on COM+ was extended. There is now an option to retrieve the "InWorkflow" flag for every user assigned to the role. The flag is "true" if the particular user is a panel member of any active workflow. Retrieval of the flag is optional. It needs to be requested by including the {{<OPT_GETUSERSINACTIVEWORKFLOW>}} element with value "true" in the XML request. Otherwise, the flag is not retrieved. The flag is returned in the following attribute of the response XML: /RESPONSE/ROLE/USERS/USER/@INWORKFLOW.
DOC-6444The EDMSCompare report has been enhanced to highlight table changes. This functionality can be configured in the edmscompare.config file using the HighlightTableChanges, InsertedTableColor, DeletedTableColor, FormatChangeTableColor parameters.
DOC-6491A change is DocCompliance was needed for the MyQUMAS story to remove the worst redundant backend and COM+ calls in MyQUMAS. In DocCompliance there is a new COM+ method {{QMb_Document.GetCompareInformation()}} which returns only the document's version stamp and the ID of the comparison document, if there is one. The XPath to extract the ID from the response XML is {{/RESPONSE/DOCUMENT/COMPAREID}}. The output XML of the {{QMb_Document.CheckOut()}} method on COM+ was extended to include the document's name, title and version, and also lifecycle state information.
MYQ-6365MyQUMAS now supports the "User Local Time Zone" setting so users shall be able to see all date & time information in the time zone set locally on their machine. The SDK API was modified. The User.Login method now has a new parameter LocalTimeZoneKey, that can be used by a caller to specify the local time zone. The time zone is stored in the user's session and used for all date/time values, if the "User Local Time Zone" option is selected in the System Settings for the repository. This is true for both normal SDK calls and direct COM+ calls through the DocProxy. Caching in the SDK API was extended to include the current time zone in the caching keys. That way fresh data is retrieved when the time zone configuration for the repository changes. In MyQUMAS changes were done in the frontend to determine the local time zone when logging the user in. The local time zone is then stored in the user's session and used when retrieving or renewing the SDK ticket. In EDMSAdmin the login form was modified to determine the local time zone and use it in the Login call. However, this is only used when accessing the application separately.
MYQ-8068When selecting a user to be removed from a Role and the user is assigned to an existing workflow task, a warning dialog will now be presented to the administrator as follows: The user assigned to the role (role name) is currently a member of an active workflow, Are you sure you want to remove the user from the role?
MYQ-8184Three columns were added to the search results grid - Creation Date, Release Date and Review Date. However, those columns are only visible if the respective date is used in search conditions. All three dates are also present in export of search results.
MYQ-8204An Import button has been added to static translation maintenance screen. Languages that have been exported from MyQUMAS and edited can now be imported back.

In EDMS Admin, wherever there is a list of users displayed, it now has a paging toolbar at the bottom, and only displays 10 users per one page. Specifically, the following screens are affected:

  • Editing of a group - the list of users in the group
  • Editing of a role - the list of users in the role
  • Editing of a user - the list of users in the Connect As section
  • Editing of a document type - the list of users in the Notification List section
MYQ-8415The file version format in MyQUMAS has been updated to include the year of release.
MYQ-8500Introduced LargeUserBase attribute (EDMSAdmin tag in the web.config. By default, the tag is set to false. When the setting is set to false there is no impact. When the setting is set to true then the user combo box requires at least one character. The "all" button on user list is not visible. If there is no filter provided on the user list screen, no results are returned.
MYQ-8656Security sensitive information has been removed when launching Compliance Unity from MyQUMAS.
SDK-819Default logging configuration was updated. Logs will now roll over after reaching the size of 10MB. They will however also still be rolled on a date period. The binding configuration for communication with the SDK API service has also been updated - the maximum message size was reduced to 10MB.
SDK-827The Version numbers in the SDK were changed to use the <release>.<refresh> pattern.

The {{Document.GetProperties}} method was extended to return PDF security flags when being used to retrieve a PDF rendition. The following properties need to be added to the "RequestedProperties" section of an SDK request:

  • ContentRendition.PdfSecurityAllowPrint
  • ContentRendition.PdfSecurityAllowChange
  • ContentRendition.PdfSecurityAllowCopy
  • ContentRendition.PdfSecurityError

Those properties will only be present in the response if the rendition being retrieved is a PDF. The PdfSecurityError property will only be present in case it was not possible to determine the security flags. In that case it will contain an error message.


DocCompliance change was required in order to implement the improved performance for viewing documents story in MyQUMAS.

  1. Impact on the rendering: When rendering a document, the RenderManager service stores the PDF security flags/permissions (Allow Print, Allow Change, Allow Copy) to the database along with the rendition. The flags are stored in the new {{R_PDFSECURITYFLAGS}} column of the {{QM_FILESTORAGECONTENT}} table. EDM repositories are not impacted - the security flags are only stored on RDB.
  2. Impact on retrieval of the PDF rendition (View/Export):
  • When retrieving the PDF rendition, DocCompliance extracts the PDF security flags from the database and returns them in the response XML in a new element {{/RESPONSE/DOCUMENT/CONTENT/PAGE/RENDITIONS/RENDITION/PDFSECURITY}}: {code:xml} <RENDITION INDEX="0"> <FORMAT OBJECTID="1199"> <NAME /> <DESCRIPTION>Qumas PDF Queue</DESCRIPTION> <MIMETYPE> </MIMETYPE> <EXTENSION>pdf</EXTENSION> </FORMAT> <FILENAME>ren_SQL_TIH2_DEV_LEGACY_242311_0_1199_8524.pdf</FILENAME> <FILEPATH>C:\Program Files\Qumas\DocCompliance\webclient\filecache</FILEPATH> <PDFSECURITY ALLOWPRINT="false" ALLOWCHANGE="false" ALLOWCOPYING="false" /> </RENDITION> {code}
  • For renditions generated before this change, the security flags will not be present in the database. In such case DocCompliance extracts them directly from the PDF file and stores them to the database, so that they are available next time.
MYQ-7273Removed obsolete Libraries and Endpoints from MyQUMAS. The libraries were obsolete in MyQUMAS and therefore are not being used anymore. The removal of the obsolete libraries does not impact end user functionality.
MYQ-7288Old libraries used in MyQUMAS have been updated.
MYQ-8389Improved the performance for frequently viewed PDF renditions. The implementation of this issue impacts viewing documents.
DOC-6154When a user is added or removed from any group, department or role the processing of R&U and R&U coordinator requested/cancelled will now be processed as an asynchronous job by the QServer R&U Updates service. Editing of User, Group, Role properties is affected. Processing of the R&U and R&U coordinator requested/cancelled after editing User, Group, Role properties is affected.
DOC-6352The EDMSCompare will now create compare reports also for the PDF file. The DocCompliance installer will add the PDF format into the list of supported EDMSCompare formats. SkipPdfImages option has been added to the EDMSCompare config, when set to true. Images are not imported into the compare reports from PDF at all. By default, set to false. The IgnoreCaseChanges, IgnoreComments, IgnoreDmlUniqueId, IgnoreFields, IgnoreFootnotes,  IgnoreFormatting, IgnoreHeadersAndFooters, IgnoreTables and   gnoreTextboxes options can be configured per document format by prefixing the setting with the document format extension in upper case. e.g., PDFIgnoreFormatting or DOCXIgnoreComments. If the format specific options are not set, then the global option will be used. By default, the PDFIgnoreFormatting option is set to true. PDF comparison will not report format changes by default. This setting can be changed in the EDMSCompare.config file.  Upgraded Aspose version to 23.2. This resolved the issue with incorrectly imported images from PDF.
DOC-6378Business Objects and Crystal Reports have been updated to BOE 4.3 SP3 and Crystal Reports 2020 for the 2024 release. The Crystal Reports plugin DLL (QMDocCompliance400cr_plugin_ntl.dll) is now 64-bit. The user name and password of a SAP BO user can now be configured per-repository. The following two fields were added to the Repository configuration in RepositoryManager: * SAP BO User Name * SAP BO Password If the fields are left empty, the reports integration will use the repository name as user name and will attempt to login to BO with empty password.

Improved the worst redundant backend and COM+ call in MyQUMAS.

Login Sequence (app. initialization)

The following changes affect the login sequence:

  • Repository name is no longer verified against DocCompliance backend before the OpenRepository COM+ call.
  • MyQUMAS no longer retrieves lists of doc types and workflow types during the initialization, unless local storage is enabled (it's disabled by default).

Document Viewer

The following changes were done that affect opening of the document viewer:

  • Document permissions are only retrieved once from DocCompliance and reused on multiple places.
  • Enabling of the "View Compare" button was fixed - it will be correctly enabled even if the viewer is not opened from hierarchy or workflow (e.g., from My Favourites widget or a link from an email). In those cases, the ID of the comparison document is not passed to the viewer from outside, so it will be retrieved from DocCompliance by a new dedicated COM+ call.
  • The GetViewerInformation COM+ call is now triggered in parallel with retrieval of permissions. That way the whole initialization sequence can finish sooner.
  • Retrieval of the rendition to view is now done more efficiently - all redundant properties were taken off the SDK call, so that SDK can now only make a single COM+ call. This makes the rendition retrieval quicker.
  • The opened document is no longer being added to the list of recent documents by MyQUMAS. This is done automatically by DocCompliance.

Properties Tab

The following changes affect retrieving of document's properties when going to the Properties tab in the document viewer:

  • Properties of the document type are no longer retrieved. They were only retrieved to extract the document type title, but that is also present in properties of the document, so it's taken from there.  
  • There are no user properties being retrieved during initialization of the Properties tab. User properties were retrieved to get user names of users assigned to document's extended attributes, but those can be retrieved directly from the document's properties.

The changes speed up loading of the Properties tab especially for documents with many extended attributes of type "user" (with actual value assigned), and for documents with document types that are not yet cached for the current user.

Document Checkout  

MyQUMAS no longer retrieves document properties in a separate COM+ call during the checkout operation. All information is taken from the response of the Checkout call.


Opening the Workflow Wizard

When the WF wizard is being opened (e.g., when adding a document to a new WF), MyQumas no longer makes the User.GetProperties call to retrieve user name of the coordinator.

Opening the Document Wizard

When document properties are being retrieved for the document wizard (when editing properties), MyQUMAS no longer makes COM+ calls to retrieve lists of roles, groups and departments. h4.


When the action menu is being opened for a workflow (on hierarchy), Workflow Type properties are no longer retrieved. Everything is taken from the Workflow properties.

Fixed Defects

This release of BIOVIA ENOVIA QUMAS EDMS includes the following fixed defects.

CS-373Unicode characters will now be printed correctly in footers / headers and on the cover page.
DOC-6415Documents can now be printed without issues. The RenderManager service now correctly sends encrypted password when making the COM+ call to update the printing status of the document.
MYQ-8653An error occurred when updating a workflow that had at least one required/optional role in any panel and coordinator dropdown list set was to anything else than "All". The issue is resolved and the workflow can now be edited and saved as expected.
MYQ-8788Not processed events in MSMQ are processed for maximum of one week and are then ignored
MYQ-8798There was an issue accessing all 3 languages tabs in the SSO environment. This issue is now resolved.
CS-358The Print Manager will be now able to connect to the Content Services Load Balancing Service. The Render Manager Service and the Load Balancing Service registration is DCOM during the installation process has been improved.
CS-367Copyright has been updated in Render and Print Manager help and hyperlink.
CS-370The installer will now be able to restore the DTOptions.xml file. If there is any issue restoring files in the installer then it will be logged and next installer operation will be executed.
DOC-6386Fixed an issue in the DocCompliance upgrade tool that caused an error connecting to the DB.
DOC-6387Reports can now be used from the old frontend normally. Transfer of the user's password between the web server and the reports server is done correctly, each server using its own encryption key. During the transfer the password is encrypted using a shared secret,
DOC-6395Printing will now function normally.
DOC-6413R&U assignment using R&U groups in authorized and pending release status is affected.
DOC-6416The copyright note was updated and Qumas logo removed from the about box.  The Dassault link now points to https://www.3ds.com/
DOC-6417The information displayed in the About box were updated.
DOC-6420The messaging service was modified, so that it uses the default language (as configured in {{/QTemplating/DefaultLanguage}} in the messaging config file) in case the selected language of a user is not declared in the config file. Also, a warning about that is written to the log file.
DOC-6424The EDMSCompare will now report the number of revision groups instead of the number of revisions. This is similar approach as MSWord Compare and Workshare.
DOC-6426Database connection strings are no longer being written to the messaging log file. The fix only affects logging of the Messaging service.
DOC-6459The harvester script will always create parameters for SAP BO user credentials for all repositories, even if they are empty or not defined in the repository configuration.
DOC-6464Installer fix to ensure copying of SAP BO SDK files to DocCompliance folder is now correctly on the report servers.
DOC-6478When the admin user attempts to add the user being edited to their own "Connect As" list, the application will no longer display the "API Error" message, but instead the following message will be shown: "The edited user is the same as the proxy user added to the Connect As list."
DOC-6483Changes to the "Allow Latest Version Binding" option on document types are now be audited. The field is also audited when a new document type for collections is created.
DOC-6484The Object Permissions Report now contains all workflow type permissions, including the "Change Workflow Details" permission. The fix is in the database, so this impacts the database setup tool and upgrader. The report itself hasn't changed.
DOC-6486Upgrader no longer requires the SecureBlackBox DLL to run.
DOC-6506Printing requests for child members of the collection are now sent to the render server correctly with encrypted password. Also, printing of a collection is finalized even if the collection has only a single member.
DOC-6518When the installer restores the resource XML files for reports from the backup folder, it will automatically add all new strings that were added in the version being installed. This way any customizations done by the client will be retained, and also the strings added in the new version will be present in the resulting XML file.
MYQ-8380The "Bulk Add" feature for picklist items was reworked. New items are now added to the grid in a more efficient way and adding a large number of items is no longer an issue.
MYQ-8502The Links to Documents on the Finish review screen are were broken. The issue is resolved and the selection of the view hyperlink and the Reconciliation report hyperlink when finishing a review are now working as expected.
MYQ-8506The Audit Trail for View Compare created duplicate entries. The second entry in the audit trail was logged when MyQUMAS was checking user's permissions to view the comparison document. MyQUMAS tried to download the compare document to find out if the user has permissions to view it. The permission check was re-worked, so the duplicate audit trail entries will no longer occur.
MYQ-8511Release Date and Review Date columns were empty in document search results There was no code change required to fix this issue. Only the SDK API DLLs had to be upgraded, so that MyQUMAS could utilize the recent SDK fixes.
MYQ-8526An issue was reported with the cookie setting. When the language cookie is not encoded property, MyQUMAS did not start. Issue is resolved and login to MyQUMAS is successful with any language.
MYQ-8530in the MyQUMAS hardcopy search if the user uses the enter key multiple searches were performed. This issue is resolved and the fix impacts the Hardcopy Search in MyQUMAS using the mouse or enter key.
MYQ-8537An issue was reported regarding the large number of files filling up on the web server hard disk. The number of files in the DocCompliance folders Filecache and Temp can now be regulated by means of the Filecache Watch Service, that needs to be configured in the Performance Settings. In MyQUMAS, fixes have been implemented to properly delete files from the Upload folder after they have been processed. This impacts the following operations: document creation, adding renditions to an existing document, bulk export of documents, export of search results.
MYQ-8540User received a corrupted PDF File error when launching a Learning Program. This issue is now resolved and a user can open an LMS program without error.
MYQ-8541There was an error when attempting to upload the xls language file in the EDMS Admin. This issue is resolved and a user can perform a file upload without error.
MYQ-8542IIS rights to particular directories modified.
MYQ-8543The issue is now resolved. When users are selected to be added to a group, all users will be added.
MYQ-8544It is now possible to remove items from the list of users during creation of a new role.
MYQ-8550The fix for this issue impacts the picklist mapping behaviour during the picklist editing action.
MYQ-8562Message was failing for document creation and adding document to a workflow. The installer now updates the DocCompliance messaging configuration file (C:\Program Files\Qumas\DocCompliance\bin\Messaging\QDocMessaging.exe.config). All languages configured in MyQumas in the Default.config file are added to the messaging configuration (under {{/configuration/QEmailing/DocComplianceConfig/Languages}}), and the messaging service is restarted.
MYQ-8565In the LMS application, when the program properties are opened via the MyQUMAS and when the LMS repository manager opens, on close the window does not close and page is unresponsive. The issue is now resolved.
MYQ-8566Deletion of groups across multiple pages does not remember the groups selected. This issue is resolved groups can now be selected across pages. MyQumas will now remember selection across pages.
MYQ-8574In addition to steps mentioned in MYQ-8414, step for encrypting password in talentsuiteOriginal.config is required
MYQ-8588There was an issue where users were removed from groups but the changes were not maintained. This issue is now resolved.
MYQ-8589EDMSAdmin Audit trail did not allow selection of users flagged as 'disabled', 'view-only'. This issue is resolved. View-only users and disabled users are now visible in the audit trail in MyQUMAS.
MYQ-8591The user lookup was missing the disabled users in the Audit trail when typing in the user. The issue is not resolved and the disabled users are now returned in user lookup when typing part of user name.
MYQ-8595A field was missing in MyQUMAS which was to allow the enablement of an extra binding rule “Latest version binding” for Collection types. The checkbox has now been added to the document type screen in MyQUMAS.
MYQ-8596Removing 5000 users from connect as group caused the browser to hang. This is resolved and it was verified that there was no issue saving after removing 7000 users from the connect as a group.
MYQ-8597There was an issue removing users from roles. When the user was removed from the selected list via the arrow, the change was not reflected in the list of selected users after saving. The issue is now resolved and there is no issue removing users from roles.
MYQ-8604View Only users had the ability to generate reports. This is resolved and View only users and users without ViewReports permission can no longer access reports.
MYQ-8606When Business Objects was upgraded to version 4.3 which has a new UI for BI launch pad (aka Compliance Unity) dashboards accessed from MyQUMAS were not opening. The issue was resolved and Compliance Unity now works as expected.
MYQ-8617Issue occurred where a group could not be added to the selected group. This issue is resolved.
MYQ-8627A communication error when accessing the Compliance Unity dashboard has been resolved.
MYQ-8663When viewing a document in MyQUMAS the right click option is no longer available.
MYQ-8665A user faced an error "You are not authorized to' when approving or reviewing a document during workflow. The error occurred when opening a document viewer for a review copy of a document. MyQUMAS fired a dedicated COM+ call to retrieve the IsFavourite flag for the related hierarchy document (because that was needed to display the Favourite button in the viewer). If the user *had permissions to view the hierarchy document's properties, but didn't have permissions for the folder*, the COM+ call failed. The issue was fixed by removing the Favourite button from the doc. viewer for review copies.
MYQ-8716When a document is removed from a collaborative review, the document is completely unlinked from the review also.
MYQ-8725A scenario arose where a collaborative review was completely deleted from the database. The integration has been changed account for this scenario.
MYQ-8726Switching to the Properties tab in the Collection Viewer no longer produces an error.
MYQ-8749The Folder.Delete and Cabinet.Delete event are now ignored by the caching mechanism in MyQumas. This resolves the issue and has no impact on caching, because folders and cabinets are not being cached themselves, and they are only processed to update locations of cached documents. But when a folder/cabinet is being deleted, there can be no documents in it, so no processing is required.
MYQ-8756When Talent Suite is configured to open in a new window, the logout from EKP will close the opened window and not log the user out in the backend.
MYQ-8757Talent suite can be configured to open in a new window which allows users to access the Multiple assignment feature.
SDK-825In SSO, the SDK no longer loops through all domains listed in the SDK configuration. It determines the domain by taking the domain of the authenticated user and matching it against the domain list in the SDK configuration. If the domain is listed, it is used in the subsequent OpenRepository COM+ call. Otherwise, the login fails. That way only one COM+ call is made regardless of the number of domains listed in the config.

The recovery mechanism has been reworked:

  • Recovery files are now only created for events that fail to be processed - i.e., there is an error during processing. They are no longer created for events that need to wait, because all worker threads are currently busy. Such events are now queued in the Processing queue, where they wait until a worker thread becomes available.
  • Events that are being processed and events that are waiting in the Processing queue are stored as files in the Processing folder. The Processing folder is created by the installer in the installation directory and is also configurable in the EventQueue Config application. Files in the Processing folder enable recovery after the EventQueue is restarted or forcefully terminated - the processing can pick up exactly where it was terminated. Files are automatically deleted from the Processing folder once the events are processed.
  • Failed events stored in the Recovery folder are automatically re-processed by the re-try mechanism. The re-try mechanism will scan the Recovery folder once every 60 seconds. If there are events to re-process, it will put them to the Processing queue. This is done in batches - only a batch of 20 events is picked up at a time. If there are more files, they will wait until the next run. If the EventQueue is currently too busy (there are too many tasks in the Processing queue), the re-try mechanism will pause until the load is smaller.

If an event fails to be processed repeatedly, it will eventually be discarded. An event is discarded after it fails at least 10 times and more than 12 hours passed from the time it was registered with the EventQueue. All discarded events are written to a dedicated log file \Logs\qumasSdkEQDiscarded-yyyy-MM-dd.log.

CS-350The DTOptions.xml file will be now restored from the backup. The JOB:HYPERLINKS node in Base_AdLib3_render.xml will be now also copied from the new version of the file in Program files if missing in the c:\PrinterCache$\BaseXML .
CS-356The Help menu item in Render Manager or Print Manager will now display the Help.
CS-359The AdlibServiceLocation (Adlib Job Management Service) is now defaulted to port 80 (the port is not specified in the URL) in the installer and the installer .param files example.
DOC-6254Upgraded 3rd party FastMM5 memory management to version 5.04
DOC-6315Updated Start/Stop/Restart scripts installed with DocCompliance and Content Services.
DOC-6451The default configuration for the EDMSCompare plugin was changed, so that tables are ignored when comparing PDF files.
DOC-6477Saving a provider object representing a group after adding users to it was modified. The operation involves also updating all parent groups, so after that is done, we now refresh all existing provider objects corresponding to those parent groups. That prevents any inconsistencies between those objects in memory and the data in database.
DOC-6485The Security Violations report was reworked to display the total records count differently. It is now located in the expected cell in the data-only export to Excel.
DOC-6508The fix impacts the old frontend. Users can now view and accept the Privacy Policy without errors.
DOC-6512Typos in the report summary were corrected for the following reports on all providers: Documents due for Periodic Review, Object Permissions.
DOC-6526This fix impacts scenarios where there are two dependent extended attributes on a document. If the value of the child attribute contains apostrophe, the business rule, that check validity of the value pair used to fail. This is now fixed - there is now no issue with picklist values containing apostrophe. A similar issue was occurring if the picklist value with apostrophe was used in the auto location path. This is now fixed as well.
MYQ-7609The repository name in the Documents tree-view will now be displayed according to the DocCompliance system settings. There is still a possibility to override those settings and use a custom name. This can be done by specifying the custom name in the DocComplianceDefaults/@RepositoryString attribute in the DocCompliance.config file.
MYQ-8117The configuration manager will no longer allow HTML to be processed in the combo boxes.
MYQ-8331Each time a language option is selected. a new tab was opened. This is resolved and when a language option is selected the tab is reused if already opened.
MYQ-8332In the Language Maintenance screen, the save and close buttons have been moved to the right.
MYQ-8335The Out Of Office warning will now be correctly displayed every time the user, who is out of the office, is selected in the WF Coordinator field in the WF wizard. Please note, that the field can be populated two ways - either by typing in part of the user name and then selecting the user in the drop down list, or by clicking on the Find button and selecting the user in the search dialog. In both cases the warning message is displayed correctly.
MYQ-8344Previously on selection of save in the language maintenance the tab closes. This issue is resolved and the language maintenance tab no longer closes on save.
MYQ-8347IIS reset is no longer required after the reset of a language

The trace logging was extended. XML files are now created also for direct COM+ calls made via the DocProxy handler. The main trace log file was also extended to contain separate entries for:

  • Start and end of SDK request processing
  • Start and end of every COM+ call made from the SDK, including direct COM+ calls
  • File upload
  • File download

Each log entry in the trace log file contains

  • Timestamp
  • Request ID which is unique for every request and helps maintain the context of all actions taken during processing of a single request; the request ID is also present in names of all XML log files created during the processing

User name and Workspace (repository) name

MYQ-8412A Typo has been fixed in the error message that is displaced when a user tries to add a checked-out document to a review.
MYQ-8480Help about build and release level have been updated to ENOVIA 2024 Golden.
MYQ-8483The memcahced.exe has been removed.
MYQ-8512The date columns "Creation Date", "Release Date" and "Review Date" will now only appear once in the search results, even if the there are multiple conditions referencing the particular column in the search query.
MYQ-8513When the admin user attempts to reset secondary password for another user, the Admin application will now correctly perform the user verification and encrypt the admin user's password in the request XML when making the User.Verify COM+ call.
MYQ-8521The version info in the aboutinfo.xml and the About box was updated. Also, the version number format displayed in the About box was changed to match the format below: bq. <MajorVersion>.<MinorVersion>.<PatchVersion>.<HotfixVersion>.<PinPointVersion>.<BuildNumber>
MYQ-8524When running an audit trail for all events and category workflow, user could not search for a workflow to add to the audit trail search. The issue is resolved and running an audit for all events the user is able to search for a workflow and add to the search.
MYQ-8527List of generated reports were not sorted properly by date. The issue is resolved and sorting reports by creation date will now work as expected. Also, the creation dates will now be shown in the unified format used commonly in MyQUMAS and they will be converted to the time zone of the current user's session.
MYQ-8528MyQUMAS no longer "hides' errors coming from the LMS. i.e. user will see the error messages in the hierarchy and searches if LMS is not configured properly. (Before that the Hats simply disappeared from hierarchy, right now user will see error messages if something goes wrong)
MYQ-8564When large user base = true, the All button is hidden in the user selection dialog.
MYQ-8568Deleting all users from the final page of users results in field pagination buttons being disabled. This issue is resolved and pagination is now maintained when the records are deleted.
MYQ-8582There was an error in the console when viewing documents. This was resolved in the installer and a new minte type added to IIS as a part of the installation.
MYQ-8583The default link the hamburger menu link has been changed to a generic value and hidden by default.
MYQ-8586When # was added to the xls to be uploaded for localisation the strings with the # disappeared from the preview. The issue is resolved and the # character is now disabled in any localized string coming from excel.
MYQ-8592The time field was not displayed when selecting the release date and time for a document when the display Text was not set to 100% on the Device. The dialog box for selecting the release date and time of a document will now correctly display both date and time fields in a single row in all magnification ratios.
MYQ-8628A new config option has been introduced that enable resizing of the favourite column if required, FavouritesResizeable in RepositoryHierarchy tag ( doccompliance.config) This is not part of the default configuration and by default it is disabled Example of usage: <RepositoryHierarchy DisplayTo="full_my_qumas_grp" DisplayWorkflowState="true" FolderRecordsPerPage="10" DocumentRecordsPerPage="30" PanelOrder="1" FavouritesResizeable="true">
MYQ-8638The workflow disapproval reason field has been increased and also a tooltip has been added for every column.
MYQ-8657An issue occurred where the search filters were not displayed for an Advanced Search in MyQUMAS. To resolve the issue the behaviour of application searches was revisited completely as follows: Quick search opens in a separate tab Advanced search opens in a separate tab Saved search opens in a separate tab Any saved search edit opens in separate tab
MYQ-8666The review owner will now display correctly in the workflow properties screen. Previously it displayed as the logged in user and not the actual collaborative owner.
MYQ-8676The print ready link has been removed from the quick print pop message which is displayed after a quick print has been requested.
MYQ-8697When a user enters a decision reason comment to an annotation an X is no longer appended to the end or the comment. The fix impacts rendering of decision reason.
MYQ-8715The document version is now included in the collection structure view in MyQUMAS.
MYQ-8740Document content is now cached for one week (by default - value could be changed in doccompliance.config, DocumentOption tag DocumentContentCacheDuration attribute, if not present, then the 168 (hours - i.e one week) is default value )
MYQ-8751The Print export will perform using the same rules as export document from hierarchy. Export from the print-ready node will display Name_Title_Version.

Both the SOAP service QmsService.asmx and the WCF service QmsService.svc, as well as the file transfer service QmsTransfer.svc now won't provide any protocol information. Also, the Server header will be removed from the HTTP responses:  

  • on IIS 10 (or higher) the header will not be present at all

on earlier IIS versions the header will be present, but empty in all HTTP responses from the SDK API.

SDK-817Passwords, that are held in the user session objects in memory, are now encrypted using the AES-128 algorithm. Encryption key is the same as the one used by DocCompliance.
SDK-824Cached data no longer contains sensitive user information. These are all removed before the data is stored into the cache.
SDK-826The User.GetEvents method is now working as expected. It no longer fails with the "Invalid Password" error.
SDK-828All passwords that are sent in XMLs into the COM+ calls are now encrypted using the AES-128 encryption. Specifically, the following methods are impacted: User.Login, User.ChangePassword, User.SetSignature, User.Verify, User.Impersonate.
SDK-830The "All threads busy" message will no longer be logged as a warning. It will however still be logged on the "INFO" logging level, as it's a valuable information for troubleshooting purposes.

The Delete event for documents, collections and workflows was removed from the default AuditEvents XML files shipped with MyQumas and DocComplianceSDK. The affected files are:

  • C:\Program Files\Qumas\DocCompliance SDK\Event Queue\AuditEventsConfig\MyQCachingEvents.xml

C:\Program Files\Qumas\MyQumas\MyQumas-web\DefaultConfigs\AuditEvents.xml

SDK-839The aboutinfo.xml file was updated. The contents of the file can be retrieved from the following URL: bq. http://<servername>/DocComplianceSDK/About The major/minor version of the main DLL file _Qumas.eDocWS.dll_ was also updated to 2024.0 The SDK version returned from the User.Login call in the VersionInfo.SdkVersion output property was updated to match the format of the DocCompliance version: bq. <MajorVersion>.<MinorVersion>.<PatchVersion>.<HotfixVersion>.<PinPointVersion>.<BuildNumber>
SDK-846Logging was fixed - the trace file is not being populated unless the trace logging is enabled.
DOC-6410Added the missing resource stings into the resource DLLs.
MYQ-8297Any text in the "New Value" and "Old Value" columns in the Audit Trail log will now be wrapped to fit the width of the column.
MYQ-8503The installer was updated to fix email template for Please Review version 7.
MYQ-8529When accessing CU dashboards, the overall browser tab assumed the title of the dashboard. The issue is resolved and the browser tab no longer changes to the name of the CU tab when the dashboard is opened.
MYQ-8545Added user friendly warning
MYQ-8573When an error message was displayed when deleting groups, a tag displays instead of line break. The issue is resolved and error messages in the Admin module are now displayed without the <br> tags. Instead, line breaks are correctly inserted to format the message.
MYQ-8698When hierarchy documents are displayed or the document tree view is displayed (choosing attachments, choosing files for review) the documents are not all displayed but on a per page basis.
MYQ-8705Search for all multi pickers (roles groups or users) are now case insensitive.


BIOVIA ENOVIA QUMAS EDMS 2024 was released in 17-Nov-2023 and is available for download at https://software.3ds.com under BIOVIA products:

Product line: Lab, Scientific and Content Solutions

Release: QUMAS R2024x                                                                                                  

Level: QUMAS R2024x Golden

Fixes for this level: -

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