T42-2024 Notification regarding BIOVIA Foundation 2021 HF8

We are providing this Technical Note to inform you about the release of BIOVIA Foundation 2021 HF8 which includes the following enhancements and fixed defects


BIOVIA Foundation

Operating System

All supported operating systems


We are providing this Technical Note to inform you about the release of BIOVIA Foundation 2021 HF8 which includes the following enhancements and fixed defects:


There are no new Enhancements for this release.

Fixed Defects

This release of BIOVIA Foundation includes the following fixed defects.

SEC-9115Improved the coordination between Hub and Pipeline Pilot when switching collaborative spaces. Now, when switching spaces, Pipeline Pilot will remove the invalid Hub access token from its cache which will force retrieval of a new token when the next protocol is run. This will enable protocols to run in the context of the newly selected collaborative space.
DAT-12301USCup, tbsp, tsp & ptIMP units imported from CISPro have an incorrect conversion divisor. The CISPro base unit for volume is Liter while Hub's base unit for volume is cubic meter.
DAT-13027A new task plan cannot be created when attempting to assign a certificate to a Receipt Lot.
DAT-13710Crawler job definition records are not archived by the message archiver.
DAT-14448Collection amounts entered for child samples are not correctly deducted from their Parent sample amounts if the Source is a Container that uses “eachAmount” units, but the Parent and Child samples instead use “Fill” units.
DAT-15199Sample Split dialog should prompt for storage requirement and not the storage condition.
DAT-15241If child samples are created and edited before samples are collected, the property values of the parent sample overwrite the edited property values of the child samples.
DAT-15901When you configure Foundation you can specify an alias to use for a server. However, if you later edit the configuration, Foundation changes the rooturl and sslrooturl to the servername instead of using the alias name. A workaround is to edit the app-config.groovy file by changing the rooturl and sslrooturl to point to the alias name, and then restart the HUB service.
DAT-15924In a load-balanced environment, the Host name in the Configuration page and corresponding entry in the HUB_NODE database table must use the same upper/lower case convention, or the Foundation service will fail to start and may display the following error: 'ORA-00001: unique constraint (HUBUSER.HUB_NODE_UK) violated'.
DAT-16101The AutoComplete dropdown field for EquipmentClass\Type on the Foundation Activity page does not always apply the value clicked by the user. The workaround is to type the entire value.
DAT-16451Task Planner does not display results for procedure tasks that contain more than one input sample parameter.
DAT-17476In the BIOVIA test lab, Hub performance slows when 20 or more users in the system are simultaneously and continuously sending task requests with $expand=$policy (typically task widgets) to a single server.
DAT-18063The Create Task from Activity and the Create Task from Activity Plan windows display a double set of scroll bars if the browser window is not large enough to display the full height of the window.
DAT-19731The view event page within the History window does not correctly display the print window in some situations.
DAT-20683System incorrectly displays special characters in Admin and Settings Locations page and Equipment.
DAT-20754When a Retest Task is unassigned, the system should also remove the Analyst Task Plan value.
DAT-20822Task Plan's Activity Plan tab incorrectly pivots on Attribute columns.
DAT-20996Changes to the Sample Source field in the Edit Sample dialog box are not reflected in the Master Sample property.
DAT-21031The system incorrectly populates a task's Method Version field with the version of the Activity.
DAT-21051When an activity parameter's unit is changed independently of setting the limit, the task parameter may be created with the wrong unit.
DAT-21074The description of cloning a Hub configuration in the Hub Installation Guide is partially incorrect. Please contact BIOVIA Support before cloning a Hub configuration.
DAT-21165The system incorrectly prevents the Activity author from setting Sample Size and Sample Size Unit for Procedure Activities.
DAT-21193Hub incorrectly assigns a new ID for each Activity Plan version. The Activity Plan ID should remain constant across versions.
DAT-21236Hub Activity page incorrectly blocks the removal of Activity Cost entries for Data Acquisition and Protocol Activities.
DAT-21262An Admin with "Manage Any Taskplan" permission does not have access to the dialog box required to update released task plans. Consequently, if a task plan with no collaborator group is released and its Owner/Creator becomes unavailable, the only way to update the task plan is through the API.
SEC-5450It is possible to get duplicate equipment reading mappings in a data acquisition activity by mapping two Activity Parameters to the same Equipment Reading Mapping. If this is done, only the results for the first parameter are retrieved.
SEC-6186If a field in a data packet is named "instrument sample id" (case insensitive), the Data Preview page cannot open the measurement because of a conflict with a default field name.
SEC-6293It is not possible to upload a file attachment when performing an ad hoc metrology event.
SEC-6319The activity version is not displayed when assigning an activity to an equipment event type, which makes it difficult to assign the correct activity version.
SEC-6474Task-level parameter values are duplicated in the Activity Results tab when a data acquisition task is executed and a CSV file is uploaded from the data preview page.
SEC-6631Account credentials must be entered during installation of the Empower or Chromeleon Add-In. The password is displayed in plain text when the Test button is clicked in the installer and when the Add-In registers with Hub.
SEC-6681Capture Hub incorrectly passes the Container ID into the first process result parameter defined on the Task. As a result, the Task Plan Results tab displays the Container ID for the first process results parameter and not the value entered in Capture Hub.
SEC-6746The client IP address may contain extra addresses when traffic between the client computer and the server passes through proxy servers. The client IP address will be the first IP address in the list.
SEC-6794The Collect Sample action incorrectly decrements the CISPro container's net quantity if the sample and container have mismatched units (for example, Box, Cases, Each) for the Each unit type.
SEC-6921Measurements with > 10,000 rows can take several minutes to display in the measurement viewer.
SEC-7063If the lifecycle policy assignment is removed for an equipment record, the record can no longer be transitioned from the Active state to the Upgrading state.
SEC-7071Hub landing page and navigation bar are not fully functional for an account that has only Foundation/Logon permission. Workaround: Clicking on the BIOVIA icon to reload the Landing Page allows the user to expand the Navigation bar and use the first-level menu icons.
SEC-7093Deleting a user directory that has synchronization with Microsoft Active Directory throws a generic error.
SEC-7099In some situations, the keystore information may not be present on the Hub Configuration page in Admin & Settings following an upgrade to 2021 HF3. Hub will still be functional but the keystore settings will not be displayed on the page. After upgrading, review the Hub Configuration page and re-apply the keystore settings if they are missing.
SEC-7100Configuring an Active Directory user directory with "username" bound to "cn" prevents login.
SEC-7186If a user switches collaborative spaces and then runs a protocol such as the pivoted results protocol, the protocol does not recognize the change to the collaborative space. The user must sign out and sign back in to run the protocol.
DAT-12352The Hub Configuration page allows you to restart the server without prompting you to save any changes you have made.
DAT-13347In Edit mode, the Vocabularies page displays only the first 200 entries. Workaround: To edit vocabularies with more than 200 entries, use the Admin & Settings Vocabulary Entries page at (replace <server> and <port> with the values for your deployment): https://<server>:<port>/foundation/hub/admin#/setting/Vocabulary%20Entries.
DAT-14249The "Text Name" field of a Unit is limited to 50 characters.
DAT-14260When some Foundation Hub grids are filtered the item count is not adjusted. Additionally, if the original list was large (for example more than 200 items), but the result of applying the filter is small, empty pages are displayed when the user clicks the Next or Last buttons to page through the results.
DAT-14470The Task tab's Correction Needed button is always disabled for Procedure tasks, but is enabled for Data Acquisition tasks. Users can, however, request corrections for Procedure tasks by choosing that option from the Review page.
DAT-14519When you sort a Task Planner grid based on a column that includes a value and units, such as hrs and days, the units are disregarded.
DAT-15938In Foundation Hub, you can set up an Equipment Type with a Reading whose Parse Method is Regular Expression, but the Chrome browser does not always parse certain blank characters (like CR, LF) correctly. The workaround is to use a different browser such as Internet Explorer to set up such readings.
DAT-17537The Tasks widget provides a second horizontal scroll bar when the Filter panel is expanded. For some browser window sizes, this scroll bar is not always visible, which makes it difficult to scroll horizontally. Workaround: minimize the task filter to remove the extra scroll bar.
DAT-19606When invalid sample IDs are added while editing a task, the error message is displayed only after clicking submit twice. The first click does not cause an error message to display.
DAT-20442Activity plan grid incorrectly allows non-integer characters in the upper limit and lower limit fields on a condition of type integer.
SEC-4398BadAccessToken messages are logged at the WARN level in Foundation Hub. These messages do not cause any issues, but do make it more difficult to find important error information in the log files.
SEC-4844If Kerberos authentication is enabled, users get an "Unauthorized" error message after they sign out of the application.
SEC-4884On Chinese Windows Server 2012, selecting "Foundation" authentication in Pipeline Pilot Admin causes Kerberos authentication fields to be displayed.
SEC-5067Foundation cannot register third-party Pipeline Pilot packages that do not specify a version number. Consequently, those packages cannot use Foundation for authentication.
SEC-5894Modifying user directory attribute mappings in a load balanced deployment requires a restart of all nodes to ensure that the new mappings are propagated properly.
SEC-5923It should be possible to change the role (Relationship Type field) of a group's Related User by editing the group, but the role can be changed only by editing the user.
SEC-6004The BIOVIA\Foundation\webapps\embedded\WEB-INF\classes\resources\data folder should not contain a file titled 'IDS_Equipment_Types_18_1_0_bug.zip'.
SEC-6374Empower: Sending more than 85 results fails if a report is selected and the "Consolidate All Results into Single Report" option is not selected. The request fails because the length is too long. Workaround: always select the Consolidate Results option when sending more than 85 results.
SEC-6605Empower: Importing samples and sending results fails when the Empower user account has only one role defined in Empower. In this situation the logs will show error code 292. Workaround: assign a second Empower role to the user account.
SEC-6614The Chromeleon Add-In sends results for sequences with components. If a sequence that has no components is sent, the empty results file causes a parser error for the equipment work item. This issue can be verified by viewing the CSV file attached to the equipment work item. Workaround: ensure that the Chromeleon sequence has defined components before sending results.

Due to security requirements of the BIOVIA Foundation Hub service, the Empower and Chromeleon Add-Ins are required to use TLS 1.2 to connect to Hub. If you run the Empower Add-In with an Empower client installation on Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2, Microsoft Windows Server 2008, or Microsoft Windows 7, you must enable TLS 1.2 support in the operating system. However, if you use Microsoft Windows Server 2012 or later, or Microsoft Windows 8 or later, TLS 1.2 is enabled by default.

For more information about enabling TLS 1.2 on Microsoft Windows Server 2008 SP2, see Microsoft knowledge base article KB4019276.

SEC-6755The Empower Add-In 2020 SP1 HF2 installer Test button always fails and should not be used. Workaround: Entering credentials and clicking Next to register with the Hub server succeeds if the address and credentials are correct.
SEC-6792The Sample Import page shows all Empower custom fields that match output parameters in the task plan. However, it imports only sample-level custom fields.
DAT-14302Using the mouse scroll wheel to move through a list of entries can cause the list to close.
SEC-6680The domain setting in the User Directory administration page cannot be edited after the domain is created.


BIOVIA Foundation 2021 HF8 was released in 28 April 2023 and is a controlled availability release. To get access to this release, please contact BIOVIA Support.

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