T116-2024 Notification regarding BIOVIA TURBOMOLE 2025

We are providing this Technical Note to inform you about the release of BIOVIA TURBOMOLE 2025 which includes the following enhancements and fixed defects:



Operating System

All supported operating systems


We are providing this Technical Note to inform you about the release of BIOVIA TURBOMOLE 2025 which includes the following enhancements and fixed defects:


This release of BIOVIA TURBOMOLE includes the following enhancements.

User StoryDescription

Efficiency and user friendliness:

  • Technical improvement in ricc2 & ccsdf12: redesigned non-linear eigenvalue solver for ADC(2), CC2, and CC3
  • Enable all user-options for X2C arXiv 2407.21727
  • Added Dyall basis sets of 3d elements and s block elements DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7606547
  • Automatically assign x2c-universal jbas for all all-electron relativistic basis sets
  • Full support of initial guess from superposition of atomic densities in riper DOI: 10.1063/5.0209704
  • Added new local hybrid functionals LHJ-HFcal,
    • TMHF, TMHF-3P, CHYF to TMoleXAddition of pob-DZVP-rev2 and pob-TZVP-rev2 basis sets and the corresponding ECPs, useful for periodic DFT calculations with riper
    • Dyall basis sets for the light elements
    • Added all basis sets and ECPs of Dolg
    • Restructured basen library for ECPs
  • Added more finite nucleus parameters for comparison with other programs arXiv2407.21727
  • Added subenergies for local hybrid functionals to output
User StoryDescription
  • Plot of current density in 2c energy calculations DOI: 10.1063/5.0209704
  • Add estimated Fermi-contact term based on density at nuclei only in X2C
  • Improved approximate screening for calculations in strong magnetic fields DOI: 10.1063/5.0217246
  • Options for external magnetic fields in the define program
  • Bump LibXC to version 6.2.2.
  • Improved user experience for LibXC: Functionals can now be called using their number OR their name.
  • DFT 3rd derivatives have been re-implemented with large gains in efficiency.
  • Improvements to overall performance of senex. Use screening more efficiently.
  • Improved GPU performance for GW and especially BSE, including multi-GPU support for the latter.
  • Added basis sets (orbital and auxiliary) for quantum protons (def2-TZVPP-mc, def2-QZVPPmc) for excellent performance within the new multicomponent DFT methods.
  • Added adaptive integration grids for multicomponent DFT.
  • New option for full incore RI-K TD-DFT calculations, speeding up cases where all intermediates fit into memory.
  • $rigw variants are more robust when treating degenerate orbitals, leading to less symmetry breaking.
  • Added additional options for TD-DFT NTO generation in proper.


  • DFT-D4 gradients for dummy atoms fixed
  • Generation of start orbitals using superposition of atomic densities now works for all supported point group symmetries
  • define crash in ricc2 section of the general menu fixed
  • corrected print out of self-consistent VV10 dispersion total energies
  • dispersion parameters corrected for wB97X-D3
  • large ricc2 jobs using the MPI parallelization on multiple nodes failed with MPI tag error, fixed
  • fix NaN result for COSMO outlying charge correction in some special cases
  • Bugfix for COSMO contribution to vibrational frequencies when using symmetry
  • Fix OpenMP/MKL issues with geometry gradients of local hybrid functionals
  • Fix OpenMP issues with MARI-J
  • Fix GIMIC interface with diffuse basis sets, i.e. construction of MOL file
  • Fix GIMIC interface for grid output, only allowed in C1 symmetry
  • Add missing initializations and avoid boundary violations in all DFT-based modules
  • Fix NumForce with 2c calculations
  • Gradients for FINE cavity (COSMO) now available with the $use_contcav option
  • Fixed issues with certain combinations of integral approximations with range-separated hybrid functionals in egrad.
SOLCHEM-2025TmoleX supports grid sizes 3a, 4a and 5a which are recommended to be used in relativistic X2C calculations.

Third party libraries have been updated to a newer and/or bugfixed version. For details, refer to the BIOVIA Program Directory at


SOLCHEM-2084TmoleX: New basis sets for periodic DFT calculations added (pob-TZVP-def2, pob-DZVP-def2
SOLCHEM-2092TmoleX: A warning is displayed in case of periodic DFT calculations using molecular basis sets
SOLCHEM-1535The option in the TmoleX Start Job panel to enter memory usage, disk space and no. of CPUs can be customized and saved in Preferences/Jobs.


Fixed Defects

This release of BIOVIA TURBOMOLE includes the following fixed defects.

SOLCHEM-2047TmoleX failed to run spin-orbit coupling two-component relativistic calculations if heavy atoms require two-component ECPs.
SOLCHEM-2219The library Apache Xalan(Java) v2.7.0, which was identified as vulnerable by CVE-2014-0107, and CVE-2022-34169 was updated to version v2.7.3, which remediates the vulnerabilities.
SOLCHEM-1015In case of two-component relativistic calculations, TmoleX showed the non-relativistic start orbitals only in the Molecular Attributes table.
SOLCHEM-1160Remote numerical 2nd derivatives using NumForce from Windows to Linux systems have failed because of system limitations under Windows for allowed file names.
SOLCHEM-1419In the 3D builder when entering a total charge for a molecule in the pre-optimization window, the calculation ran without charge when xTB is used as preoptimizer.
SOLCHEM-1626TmoleX: Remote jobs when started from a Windows client which generated difference densities for excited states lead to 3D data failed to be visualized.
SOLCHEM-1869TmoleX assigned a wrong basis set for element Ba if a def2- basis set is assigned. It used the initially published version of Ba basis set in PCCP, 2005, 7, 3297 and not the updated one.
SOLCHEM-2006The DFT-D3 dispersion parameters for the ωB97X-D3 functional are set to the published values of the original paper https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/ct300715s
SOLCHEM-2027TmoleX: Using Bethe-Salpeter method to calculate UV/Vis spectra failed to run on remote systems.
SOLCHEM-2085TmoleX: Natural Transition Orbitals (NTOs) were not computed under Windows due to an error in the proper.exe module.
SOLCHEM-1010S² values of old calculation survived in the control file and were shown for subsequent closed shell calculations as result.
SOLCHEM-1590TmoleX: DIIS damping parameters entered in TmoleX are used in periodic DFT calculations.
SOLCHEM-16433D grid of localized molecular orbitals created from the proper command line tool did not always show up in the list of available data for the 3D visualization in TmoleX
SOLCHEM-1644Error message appeared every time visualizer was opened after completion of bond angle scan (angle in a ring)



BIOVIA TURBOMOLE 2025 was released in December 2024 and is available for download at https://software.3ds.com under BIOVIA products:

Product line: Lab, Scientific and Content Solutions

Release: BIOVIA 2025

Level: BIOVIA 2025 Golden

Fixes for this level: -

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