T104-2024 Notification regarding BIOVIA Draw 2025

We are providing this Technical Note to inform you about the release of BIOVIA Draw 2025 which includes the following enhancements and fixed defects:



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We are providing this Technical Note to inform you about the release of BIOVIA Draw 2025 which includes the following enhancements and fixed defects:


This release of BIOVIA Draw includes the following enhancements.

User StoryDescription
DRAW-14784Added 161 missing abbreviations and templates from "Strategic Applications of Named Reactions in Organic Synthesis" by Kurti and Czako, Release Date: April 29, 2005.
DRAW-15762Deprecated support for the Chem Spider lookup service for the structure resolver
DRAW-17189Draw now displays hydrogen bonds for siRNA and antisense chain
DRAW-17338In Pipette Sketcher, editing and display of complementary RNA strands and converting to SCSR format for display in applications such as Draw, Insight and Biological Registration are now supported
DRAW-17939Added support for displaying the Base, Sugar and Phosphate templates on clicking the structure previews
DRAW-17940Modify Granular dialog now display Base templates as grouped based on the variant of the template
DRAW-17965Draw now displays an error message if any issue occurs while downloading configuration files for the selected libraries from the PP server
DRAW-18014Draw now supports 3-letter display name for DNA and RNA
DRAW-18022Draw support brackets with multiple crossing bonds to represent ligands in organometallic complexes
DRAW-18028Deprecated the support for launching HELM Editor from Draw
DRAW-18048Draw now supports the creation of SCSR templates with multi atom leaving group
DRAW-18052Chem check warnings are now shown in the status bar when opening a file with stereo errors
DRAW-18059Draw now supports the creation of data SGroups for a list of atoms and bonds
DRAW-18091BIOVIA Draw now provides new setting for specifying whether Pipette Sketcher is launched in HELM or SCSR mode
DRAW-18045siRNA Enhancements to support Helm conversions and integration with pipette sketcher

Fixed Defects

This release of BIOVIA Draw includes the following fixed defects.

DRAW-18197Draw now accurately displays stereogenic labels during structural modifications
DRAW-18118An option to determine bad stereo using either IUPAC convention or BIOVIA chemical representation now exists. The Default is the BIOVIA chemical representation
DRAW-18130Sulfoxides can now be assigned enhanced stereo chemistry
DRAW-18179Draw now shows the reagent name with subscript properly

Draw now supports the newly added access control to the PLP Platform based centralized library. The Shared scope supports a user group access control when the

library is created

DRAW-18214Draw now displays the "Bad stereo" warning message for incorrect stereo structures
DRAW-15312The current setting restricts users to setting a font size of 12 or below in the structure view. This provides with some flexibility while preventing the overlap issue that occurs when the font size is set to 20
DRAW-17662Draw now make a ring closure when drawing a 6-membered ring bond by bond using All-purpose tool
DRAW-18055Draw now displays sugar as not modified while creating the structure from HELM strings
DRAW-18088Draw now offers a user-friendly timeout dialog for CIP calculations
DRAW-18117Draw now properly copy/paste the molecule with reagents properly aligned on the canvas
DRAW-18129SD Viewer's copy-and-paste mechanism utilizes the default.xml settings
DRAW-18167Draw shows proper Chain type after pasting HELM on the canvas
DRAW-18184Draw now enhanced the visualization of 3-letter sequences by implementing a color chain representation


BIOVIA Draw 2025 was released in November 2024 and is available for download at https://software.3ds.com under BIOVIA products:

Product line: Lab, Scientific and Content Solutions

Release: 2025

Level: BIOVIA 2025 Golden

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