The Essentials of surface modeling explained

When designers want to create a realistic 3D model, they use a variety of  computer aided design (CAD) techniques. Surface modeling is used to enhance a simple wireframe model or add detail to a 3D solid model and make it appear more textured and lifelike. Join us as we take a look at the essentials of surface modeling.

What is surface modeling?

Surface modeling is a mathematical technique used by CAD software to add more detail to a simple 3D solid model or wireframe model. It is a much more complex process than simple wireframe modeling but less involved than solid modeling.
As the name suggests, surface modeling is used to create surfaces. The technique allows the designer to flesh out a model’s exterior shapes and contouring. It can be used to create lifelike textures, depict smoothness, and show imperfections. Surface models can be seen from any angle in three dimensions, but unlike solid models, they can’t be split open to view internal workings.
Surface modeling is commonly used to create visual representations of products, mechanical objects, or organic shapes like humans or animals. Designers can create shapes that are wildly fantastic and do not need to conform to realistic geometries, mass, and thicknesses. It is possible to create a model just using surface modeling techniques, but generally, it will be used in conjunction with solid modeling.

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Surface modeling vs solid modeling, what is the difference?

Solid modeling is a complex technique that is used to create geometrically precise solid shapes in three dimensions. When creating a solid model, a designer needs to depict both the inside and the outside of the model.
While this is highly useful as it shows how a design operates internally and depicts its external features, the process of creating a solid model is highly complicated. Solid models must have clearly defined dimensions that are realistic and uniform. It is most often used to design engines, machinery, vehicles, and aircraft.
Surface modeling is a much more freeform style of CAD modeling. When using this technique, designers are only concerned with the exterior of the model. A surface model is just that – it’s all surface detail and is completely hollow inside.
With a surface model, designers can push and pull the shapes and contours of the model to create any form they want, regardless of how uneven or unbalanced it is. Surface modeling can be viewed as sitting between the simple process of creating a wireframe model and the more complicated process of building a solid model. Surface modeling is used for animations, video game characters, special effects, and for product and architectural visualizations.


Surface modeling vs solid modeling, what is the difference? > Dassault Systèmes

Different types of surface modeling?

When creating a 3D surface model, designers use a variety of methods. What types of surface modeling methods they use depends on the shapes they wish to create and the scope of the surface modeling software they are using. Common surface modeling methods include:

NURBS(Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline) modeling

URBS modeling uses complex mathematical equations to create realistic circles, arcs, and 2D surfaces that are used to draw flexible, accurate, and highly lifelike 3D models.

NURBS(Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline) modeling > Dassault Systèmes

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What is surface modeling used for?

What is surface modeling used for? > Dassault Systèmes

Surface modeling is widely used for product development and industrial design purposes. The freeform nature of surface modeling allows designers to create highly detailed representations of proposed products without having to build physical prototypes. Design faults can be analyzed and identified before a product reaches the manufacturing stage.
Automotive design uses surface modeling techniques to create what is known as Class A surfaces. The complex curvatures of automotive bodies can only be replicated in digital form using surface modeling techniques.
Aerospace design also requires complex curvatures and free-flowing shapes. Many aircraft designers use subdivision modeling methods to create aerodynamic configurations.
Surface modeling is widely used in the architecture and construction industries to provide realistic depictions of what proposed building projects will look like. As in the automotive and aerospace industries, architects use surface modeling techniques to design thin-walled structures.
Surface modeling is also a vital part of medical imaging. By constructing a surface model, researchers can track the progress of a disease and analyze the outcome of various treatment options.

What are the most common surface modeling techniques?

Several techniques are used in surface modeling software to create 3D models. Many of these techniques are automated commands. 

What are the benefits of surface modeling?

Surface modeling allows for the creation of highly complex and lifelike organic shapes that would be difficult or impossible to create with solid modeling techniques. This feature has made it an invaluable tool for creating realistic models of objects for visualization. For this reason, you often find surface models used in product presentations as well as characters in video games and animations.
The malleability and freeform aspects of surface modeling make it ideal for creating ergonomic designs that fit the human body. It is often used for medical purposes such as designing dental implants or prosthetic limbs.

What are the benefits of surface modeling? > Dassault Systèmes

What are the drawbacks of surface modeling?

What are the drawbacks of surface modeling? > Dassault Systèmes

Surface modeling is not without its drawbacks and limitations. The complexity of surface modeling techniques and the high cost of surface modeling software can make it resource intensive and put it out of the reach of students.
Surface models cannot be split to show internal workings. They lack the internal structure and details necessary for manufacturing. So, while a surface model can be used for a basic presentation, it is not suitable as a guide for engineers.
Surface models are also quite difficult to modify or update once they have been created.

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What is hybrid modeling?

Often, a designer finds that using just one modeling technique will not give them the results that they need. In such a case, a designer must use what is known as hybrid modeling.
Hybrid modeling is a technique where a designer will combine both solid molding and surface modeling techniques to create a 3D model. It can be used to create incredibly complex shapes that would not be achievable using either solid modeling or surface modeling methods alone. Hybrid modeling often involves sophisticated artificial intelligence and machine learning elements. Hybrid models are used in a range of advanced fields, such as robotics and natural language processing.

What is hybrid modeling? > Dassault Systèmes

Surface modeling - Conclusion & Perspectives

Surface modeling is a highly valuable tool with a broad range of applications, from product design to architecture to art and entertainment. By using surface modeling techniques, designers can create lifelike shapes with highly complex organic curves and lines.
Surface models do not need to follow the strict geometric parameters of solid models, so a designer can let their imagination run free. The push-and-pull sculpting quality of surface modeling allows for enhanced design freedom.
When used in conjunction with solid modeling techniques, surface modeling enables the creation of incredibly complex 3D models. Advances in medicine, science, and engineering have all been made possible by the use of hybrid modeling techniques that combine the precision of solid models with the fluidity of surface modeling.
Mastering the complexities of surface modeling in CAD is an essential skill for any budding designer or engineer. Becoming proficient in 3D surface modeling requires the most advanced and intuitive surface modeling solutions available.

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Dassault Systèmes has been at the cutting edge of CAD development for more than four decades. Designers and engineers from sectors as diverse as the construction, automotive, and aerospace industries turn to us for solid modeling and surface modeling solutions they can rely on.
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