Science-based Universes
Until now
Observing and marveling at the beauty of the world inspired the invention of new things.
From now on
Science-based UNIV+RSES open new horizons for innovation, by fusing what is and what could be.
At Dassault Systèmes, we believe that the best way to build a better future for all is through science.
For this reason, science underlines all of our efforts to harmonize product, nature and life and to provide sustainable virtual twin experiences for businesses and people.
From the context (Until now) to the final benefit for people, we highlight how virtual worlds (From now on) can improve science practices and outcomes in engineering, material science, medicine, biology, data science and natural sciences.
Transcript of the video and explanations
00:14 – 00:28
Until now
Physical mockups
Use of drafting boards and 2D CAD relied on physical mockups to integrate and validate the design. A costly and time-consuming process that was error prone and required significant rework.
From now on
Virtual mockups for entire planes
The Boeing 777: World’s First Airplane To Be 100 Percent Digitally Designed And Preassembled On A Computer CATIA ensured that the Boeing 777 was the first aircraft to be digitally pre-assembled This breakthrough transformed aircraft engineering, eliminated costly rework and significantly accelerated the overall development cycle time.
Real Right-the-first-time innovation
The CATIA system lets Boeing engineers simulate the geometry of the airplane design on the computer, eliminating the need for the costly and time-consuming construction of a physical mockup and use of drafting boards. "100 percent digital design was a real paradigm shift," according to Larry Olson, information systems director for Boeing Commercial Airplane Group.
Source: Boeing News Release “Exhibit Gives First-Hand Look at How Computers Were Used to Build the 777 Airplane”
00:28 – 00:44
Until now
Chemistry lab experiments
Designing novel materials to improve the efficiency of batteries fuel cells and electrolyzers involved costly trial and error experimentation. The traditional novel fuel cell chemicals and material R&D process required typically from 10 to 20 years.
From now on
V+R lab experiences
The evolution and convergence of multiscale computational models; high-throughput screening and high performance computing today has accelerated the time to discovery up to 5X, while expanding the design space for novel materials and by 20-50%.
Real Sustainable mobility
In today's world, the demand for clean, efficient, and sustainable energy is growing rapidly. The development of next generation batteries is crucial to meet this demand and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. However, creating these innovative batteries is no easy task. It requires cutting-edge research, development, and testing of advanced materials that can enhance battery performance, durability, and safety. Today more than 85% of Electrical Vehicles of the world are designed with our solutions.
00:44 – 00:56
Until now
2D Imaging to diagnose
Testing of new medical devices comes with fatal risks and high costs. FDA cost to test all new devices in humans in is $3.2B.
From now on
Virtual twins of human organs
In Silico Trials based on a Virtual Twin Experience with reduced risk for patience and less cost.
The SIMULIA Living Heart Human Model is a high-fidelity multiphysics model of a healthy, 4-chamber adult human heart and proximal vasculature. The response of the Living Heart is governed by realistic electrical, structural, and fluid flow physics. The model comprises a ready to execute dynamic, electro-mechanical simulation; refined geometry; a blood flow model, and a complete characterization of cardiac tissues including passive and active behaviors, its fibrous nature, and the electrical pathways.
The Living Heart Project: A robust and integrative simulator for human heart function
Real Patient Outcomes
What if physicians and surgeons could virtually analyze their patients’ health and plan therapies and surgeries using the same advanced simulation technology that the automotive, aerospace, energy and hi-tech industries rely on to test their product before they are built? The Living Heart Project is uniting leading cardiovascular researchers, educators, medical device developers, regulatory agencies, and practicing cardiologists on a shared mission to develop and validate highly accurate personalized digital human heart models.
00:56 – 01:10
Until now
One size fits all drugs
Single arm trials in recurrent glioblastoma – rGBM (the most common malignant brain tumor associated with a poor prognosis, with a median survival of 14 months) – appeared to show good results for new investigational products in phase 1 and 2, but lacked a reference by which to judge the results. Ultimately, this corresponded to failures of the investigational product at the phase 3 registration stage that dissipate patient commitment and other financial and research resources.
Moreover, patients with rGBM in phase 3 trials have had a 50/50 chance of being assigned standard of care despite seeking alternate treatment through a clinical trial and the fact that median survival with standard treatment is expected to be only approximately 8 months.
From now on
Synthetic control arms for virtual precision cohorts
Synthetic control arms (SCA) can contextualize early phase single arm data enabling better decision making about which investigational products to continue to develop and allows patient efforts and resources to be used more wisely ultimately leading to more successful new therapies With a hybrid control including SCA patients, prospective patients with rGBM will have less chance (often only 25% chance) of being assigned to the standard treatment in phase 3 trials while the trial still provides the same scientific inference as would be gained from a fully randomized study. In a setting where life expectancy for a person diagnosed with rGBM who receives standard treatment is only approximately 8 months, many patients view this as an increased chance at hope SCA is powering smarter treatments for healthier people by reducing patient burden, accelerating the advancement of the most effective treatments and setting the stage for therapeutic innovation.
Synthetic Control Arm
Medidata Synthetic Control Arm Supported by the US Food and Drug Administration for Use in Medicenna Therapeutics, Corp. Phase 3 Registrational Trial in Recurrent Glioblastoma
Real Precision medicine
“SCA team designed a hybrid phase 3 reg trial where the majority of control patients come from an SCA. The randomized control arm was reduced by 66%, increasing the odds patients receive a potentially lifesaving treatment.”
Dr. John Sampson, MD, PhD, Professor of Surgery, Pathology, Immunology, Radiation Oncology, Duke University Medical Center
01:10 – 01:23
Until now
Geographic and building information systems
The growing pressure of climate and social changes on governments, businesses and communities have catalysed cities and public authorities to action. The answer cannot come from isolated constructions and their individual building information systems.
From now on
Virtual Twin Cities
Virtual twin experiences of cities enable modeling, simulating, visualizing and experimenting with individual buildings, specific infrastructures and entire cities to make real-world improvements.
Real Healthy living conditions
Sustainable cities are defined as urban centers shaped to improve our environmental impact and our quality of life and habitation within cities. Green urban planning and management enables smart cities to evolve to create greener and more sustainable urban ecosystems.
01:23 – 01:43
Until now
Animals unknown language
Sperm whales are the largest of the toothed whales. They communicate with small sequences of successive clicks, called codas.
For the past ten years, audio exchanges or "conversations" between sperm whales have been recorded in many places around the world.
Most specialists believed that like for all animal communication, there was a limited list of "signs" or "messages", where neither the order between the signs nor the context is important. In addition, in this "animal communication", each given sign has always the same meaning.
From now on
Language patterns captured and decoded
Thanks to our study based on language models calculated on sperm whale coda corpora, we now know that communication between sperm whales has many common points with human language:
- There are compound codas as human have compound words
- The order between codas matters
- The meaning of a given coda depends on its context
- There are strong correlations between certain simple or compound codas and certain individuals (probably a kind of "name'")
- There is a strong correlation between certain simple or compound codas and the conversations between
Real insights
COCH, José, BERKENBAUM Lara, and ADAM Olivier, Une contribution du text-mining à la connaissance du langage des cachalots (A contribution of text-mining to the knowledge of the sperm whale's language), in TextMine '23 conference, consulted in 2024 June, 25: