Marine structures operate by definition in multiphysical environments, and Abaqus is ideally suited to address these multiphysics challenges. Coupled fluid-structure interaction (FSI) problems can be handed with traditional finite elements (using acoustic elements for the fluid domain)—a very efficient approach for steady-state analyses in Abaqus/Standard or dynamics analyses in Abaqus/Explicit. For highly dynamic analyses (such as those involving UNDEX), or where multiple fluid domains are present, our Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian (CEL) modeling capability is an ideal choice.
CEL is entirely organic to Abaqus/Explicit, meaning that there is no need for coupling various single-domain codes. Contact between the domains is efficiently handled through our general contact algorithm, just like a traditional Lagrangian analysis.
The vast material constitutive library in Abaqus, augmented with our efficient and user-friendly composite modeling capabilities, allow for the modeling of literally any Marine structure or craft. Our seamless, associative interface with CATIA V5 and other CAD packages and efficient, highly automated meshing tools enable design-to-analysis time to be cut dramatically. Due to the large size of Marine structures and models, our best-in-class scaling for multiple-CPU analyses provides answers in time to make critical design iterations vital to project success.
Solution Capabilities
- Unified modeling and simulation environment based on Abaqus/CAE
- Direct, associative interface with CATIA
- Support for a wide variety of CAD and finite element preprocessing systems
- Best-in-class scaling of multiple CPU analysis to reduce computational time and improve design turnaround
- Comprehensive library of complex material models for structures and fluids, including damage (through full failure), required to fully model the physics associated with Marine systems under load
- Complete composite material modeling including pre and postprocessing as well as damage and failure prediction to confidently include composite materials in Marine system design