3DS Piracy
Dassault Systèmes Anti-Piracy and Compliance Program
Software piracy (i.e. unauthorized possession, use or distribution of software) is highly damaging to the software industry. Not only is it destroying jobs, but also putting business at risk since the use of pirated versions of software may result in security breach, data loss or incompatibility, potentially harmful in a production environment.
Market research indicated that some products from within the Dassault Systèmes portfolio were being used without official authorisation or sometimes outside the terms and conditions of an existing official license agreement (cross-border usage of licenses, use of demo licenses in a production environment...). Such uses are considered as infringement and any illegal user may be held liable, both under civil and criminal law.
Dassault Systèmes is proactively protecting its assets and fighting software piracy through an anti-piracy and compliance program, in order to deter incidents of piracy and bring, whenever possible, illegal users into compliance.
We value the reputation of our product portfolio and believe that everyone can play a key role in fighting piracy. Any illegal activity is also detrimental to your lawful business since an illegal competitor is directly deriving an advantage when conducting its business through the use of pirated license. A fully genuine and compliant installed base is the only mean to ensure security, compatibility, good access to our support services and fair competition.
Should you become aware of any suspicious situation, do not hesitate to report it to your local DS contact or send us information at software.compliance(at)3ds.com.
Please note that all information provided to Dassault Systèmes will be treated in the strictest confidence where requested.
Within the framework of its Anti-Piracy and Compliance Program, Dassault Systèmes collects data related to the unauthorized use of its own and its affiliates software, including personal data (connexion data). Any unauthorized user of Dassault Systèmes or its affiliates software is hereby informed and consents to such collection of data, as well as its transmission and use for anti-piracy purposes. We welcome any comment on the program and how it can support you in your future needs. Should you need additional information or wish to discuss the program, do not hesitate to contact us at the above email address.