IncQuery Desktop
A solution by: INCQUERY LABS PLC
Application domain: Equipement & Systems Engineering
Solution Overview
IncQuery Desktop is an add-on for CATIA No Magic MagicDraw/Cameo Systems Modeler, offering a fast and efficient graph query engine for executing model queries right inside the SysML authoring tool. Its rich integration with MagicDraw allows for using query based expressions, to power smart packages, custom tables, relation maps, and more. This makes it easier for MBSE practitioners to gain a deeper understanding of complex SysML models without sacrificing tool performance and overall producvity. Furthermore, instantaneous query re-evaluation allows to further streamline the design workflow by running active validation rules, dynamic tables and other similar features without any noticeable delay. Learn more at
Rich query editing for power users: The rich editor of IncQuery Desktop provides a convenient and efficient way of writing queries in the VIATRA Query Language (VQL). With features such as syntax highlighting, content assistance, query definition validation, in-line documentation, templates, and more, power users are able to quickly write and test model queries right inside their favorite SysML tool.
Deep integration with MagicDraw: IncQuery Desktop is the ideal solution for those working on large and complex projects. Deeply integrated with MagicDraw’s expressions, smart packages, relation maps, custom tables, and active validation rules, IncQuery Desktop provides a seamless and efficient way to gain a deeper understanding of a complex SysML project
Blazing-fast querying and validation: What sets IncQuery Desktop apart from other solutions is its exceptional performance and speed. Whether you are working on a large-scale project or simply looking for a fast and efficient way to validate and customize your models, IncQuery Desktop has you covered. The VIATRA graph query engine can instantaneously re-validate your project and re-compute all of your customizations, such as smart packages, relation maps, and tables, making IncQuery Desktop the perfect choice for anyone in need of a reliable and efficient model validation and customization tool.