TechViz XL CATIA Connector

TechViz XL acts like a driver to a virtual reality system and is the tool to display your large 3D data or 3D virtual prototype directly from your native...

A solution by: TECHVIZ

Application domain: Product Synthesis

Solution Overview

TechViz XL acts like a driver to a virtual reality system and is the tool to display your large 3D data or 3D virtual prototype directly from your native application, with a high frame rate, on any type of stereo 3D display.

Make changes in 1 :1 scale or greater, without data conversion.A fully immersive experience using a full 3D integrated system. Easy, user-friendly and ideal for project review or team collaboration.


TechViz XL CATIA Connector, allows CATIA, ENOVIA DMU and DELMIA users to work natively with their models as Virtual Prototypes.

  • It increases the ease of use and multiplies the application fields of the PLM software.
  • It allows users to display large 3D data sets directly in the native application with a high frame rate, on any type of stereo 3D display, make changes in real time and display in 1:1 scale or greater without any data conversion or data loss.
  • The added value is to display 3D models without any limitation for resolution, size, shape or performance.
  • By eliminating the converting process, it accelerates the validation process and provides an ideal tool for marketing value.

This option to the TechViz XL solution enables seamless integration of TechViz into the CATIA interface. Users can control TechViz behavior directly in the CATIA toolbar. It enables users to mix a CATIA interface with immersive review. The main functionality is to keep viewpoint in sync between the immersive navigation and the normal CATIA mouse navigation.

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