HCL's ‘V6 xPDM Adapter for Teamcenter’ provides the process based integration to enable exchange of design, engineering data between Teamcenter and ENOVIA V6. It enables coexistence of Teamcenter and V6 based applications by ensuring synchronized data between the two systems.‘V6 xPDM Adatper for Teamcenter’ is built using native exchange interfaces of Teamcenter (SOA) and V6 (V6 xPDM Interfaces). The Adapter Solution supports bi-directional exchange of engineering data like parts, part revisions, relations metadata, documents and design data like product structure, CAD representation and visual representations.Organizations have critical need to integrate Teamcenter based PLM systems and ENOVIA V6 to better support collaborative processes like part management, change management and release management. However to achieve this collaboration, they are looking to minimize the investment in proprietary integrations that are costly and difficult to maintain. Geometric's ‘V6 xPDM Adapter for Teamcenter’ offers a ready-to-deploy yet extensible solution to address this requirement.For oganizations using CATIA V5 and Teamcenter to manage their design data, the Data exchange capabilities (PRODUCT scenario) of Geometric's ‘V6 xPDM Adapter for Teamcenter’ solution enables them to adapt CATIA V6 as CAD authoring tool. The Adapter Solution supports transfer of existing CATIA V5 data from Teamcenter (Product structure, CATPart, CATProduct) to CATIA V6 for carry-over and reference. Data authored in CATIA V6 can be transferred back to Teamcenter along with CAD representations, so that existing Teamcenter based processes for data consumption (DMU, manufacturing planning etc) are supported.Engineering data exchange (EBOM scenario) capabilities enable the bi-directional synchronization of engineering data between Teamcenter and ENOVIA V6 (Engineering Central). Users can access useful product information from either system. This scenario enables implementation of engineering processes spanning across Teamcenter and ENOVIA V6.‘V6 xPDM Adapter for Teamcenter’ is asynchronous integration and the transfer mechanism runs in the background and requires no user interaction. Initiation of data exchange is supported via user interfaces in respective clients of Teamcenter and ENOVIA V6. It can be customized to enable workflow or triggers based exchange.‘V6 xPDM Adapter for Teamcenter’ is available since V6R2013x and supports Teamcenter version 9.1 .
Cameo Connector for Teamcenter
Application domain: Product Life Cycle Management
Solution Overview
Cameo Connector for Teamcenter
A collaborative tool to tie cross-product development together
In today’s Digital Era, with the transformation of conventional products to smart, connected and intelligent, the need for modernizing the product design and engineering methodologies is becoming inevitable to handle the complexities and scale. Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) approach combined with the overall Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) methods address the challenges of creating multi-disciplinary systems consisting of mechanical, electrical, electronic and software components.
System modeling activities involve starting with system requirements and systematically decomposing those into functional and logical models, which are then linked to the downstream activities of detailed design and testing. This needs smooth exchange of data across the MBSE tools & product design and development tools (PLM). HCL offers a connector for seamless integration of MBSE tools with PLM tools.
Recently, SysML, System Modeling Language from OMG, has emerged as an industry standard for MBSE. The need for integrating industry leading tools such as, Cameo Systems Modeler from Dassault Systèmes supporting SysML with PLM tools such as Teamcenter from Siemens is growing. HCL's “Cameo Connector for Teamcenter” delivers capability to integrate system modeling data and artifacts from Cameo Systems Modeler with Teamcenter ensuring the downstream connectivity of data and the bi-directional traceability across these tools.
EFFECTIVE MODEL MANAGEMENT : Expose Teamcenter PLM operations, such as saving, updating and revising, within Cameo modeling tool. In addition, the connector enables you to save selected diagrams (as images) and external files together with a project file in Siemens Teamcenter.
MODELLING PRACTICES COVERAGE : Connector supports models develop in standalone (mdzip mode) as well as models managed through TeamWork Cloud. Connector supports used projects / dependencies, parameter management in Teamcenter and various other practices.
TRACEABILITY : Traceability across requirements, SysML models and downstream PLM artifacts by closing the loop between downstream implementation and upstream plans.
REDUCTION IN TIME TO MARKET : MBSE integration with PLM enables teams to collaborate and understand the impact of their design early in the product lifecycle. It minimizes the unnecessary rework and expense reducing time to market.
REUSABILITY : Increase reusability of product requirements and system models as a byproduct of development process. That helps in quickly achieve complex interdependent product targets, attributes and constraints for quick analysis before detailed design begins.