Contact Information
Company name: HAPTION
Website: http://www.haption.com/
Partner Overview
A spin-off of CEA (French Nuclear Research Agency), HAPTION benefits from results and know-how developed in more than 30 years of research. HAPTION designs, manufactures and sells haptic devices with professional quality, suited to the needs of its customers, both industrial and academic.
A haptic interface is a computer device, which enables its user to interact with a software application or with a virtual object through the sense of touch. Our products provide force-feedback on all 6 degrees-of-freedom (translations and rotations), enabling realistic interaction between 3D objects.
Haption is a founding member of EuroVR, the European Association for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. Haption is also a member of AFRV, the French association of Virtual Reality, and LVRC (Laval Virtual Reality Capital), the technology cluster of Laval dedicated to Virtual Reality and its applications.
Partner Highlights
- Complementary Software
Haption's main value is based on its physics engine IPSI, directly integrated in Catia & Delmia V5. The realtime-collision engine IPSI allows user to perform assembly and maintenance simulation, with force feedback, directly in Dassault Systeme's software.
The plugin lets you animate any object (part) or manikin (virtual human) and realize tasks in realtime to verify the feasability. You can check in realtime the ergonomics, save a track and replay it, or catch any object.
It is particularly efficient to do tooling process reviews or simulation of manual assembly upfront ot the manufacturing process.
The plugin is compatible with:
- Haption Haptic Devices
- Motion Capture
The force feedback from Haption Haptic Devices will be benefitial to understand the virtual environment space, and apprehend the physics properties of the task.

Complementary Software
VERCRUYSSE,Pierre+33 ()243645120pierre.vercruysse@haption.com