Founded in 2003 and re-incorporated in 2017 as a precision medicine and scientific informatics service provider, VtR Inc. is dedicated to bring cutting-edge...

Contact Information


Company address: 5F-3 NO 56 XINGSHAN RD NEIHU DIST 11469 TAIPEI , TWN

Website: http://www.vtr.asia/

Partner Overview

Founded in 2003 and re-incorporated in 2017 as a precision medicine and scientific informatics service provider, VtR Inc. is dedicated to bring cutting-edge informatics industry solution experiences to clients in Taiwan. VtR’s informatics specialties encompass biopharma regulation and compliance, life and materials sciences modeling and simulation, bioinformatics and cheminformatics, unified laboratory management, and enterprise quality management. VtR provides full range of localized services, including computerized system implementation and validation, with many top-rated informatics tools from its partners around the world to customers across Taiwan and the Asia Pacific region.



Partner Highlights

VtR Inc. is a leading scientific informatics solution and service company in Taiwan. VtR has been a long-time partner of Dassault Systèmes BIOVIA®, one of the largest software companies in the world with full product lines of collaborative sciences, unified laboratory management, enterprise quality management, and process production operations.

“World-class products with fully localized expert services” is VtR's biggest advantage when it comes to providing informatics solutions to Taiwan’s biotech-pharma, chemical, and hi-tech industry. Facing the ever-increasing scrutiny in quality and compliance pressure from regulatory authorities, more and more Taiwanese pharma companies have turned to us to help implement and validate quality informatics solutions to meet the regulatory requirements and to improve overall quality and productivity.

法德利科技,為法商達梭系統旗下BIOVIA品牌(前身為Accelrys)之台灣合作夥伴。所引進DS BIOVIA之研發與合規解決方案如電子實驗室管理系統、品質管理系統、藥物開發模擬系統、材料模擬設計系統、各種基因、代謝、藥物資料庫等相關專業資訊產品,目前為國內產、官、學、研及各大藥廠陸續採用。

「世界級的產品品質、在地化的全方位服務」,是法德利科技的堅持與最大的優勢。近年來國際趨勢對於藥物品質管理日益嚴峻,跨國查廠稽核與日俱增。法德利與國內上百家受PIC/S GMP或美國FDA規範之藥廠積極洽談合作,已陸續在以外銷為主的原料藥廠導入合規的資訊系統,以期能有效協助台灣製藥工業提升國際競爭力。


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