Contact Information
Company name: CAIQ GMBH
Company address: TAUNUSSTRASSE 42 80807 MUENCHEN , DEU
Partner Overview
FCMS GmbH, part of the CONTACT Group and based in Munich, focuses on the functional validation of virtual prototypes from within CATIA using common simulation and calculation tools. The offering is geared towards the early phase of product development and the rapid creation of model variants, e.g. for the validation of concept cars and mechanical components or systems in the transportation industry (aviation, high-speed trains, etc.). The basis for this is provided by the innovative, CATIA-CAA-based Fast Concept Modelling (FCM) software, which allows a greater degree of automation and considerably expanded optimization options when using numeric calculation methods. The FCM tool suite is used in all phases of the product engineering process in order to optimize product models and accelerate their functional validation. Fast CATIA modeling, CAE-compatible parametrics, multidisciplinary optimization and the feedback of the optimized CAE geometry to the design engineering process ensure a smooth transition between CAD and CAE. This ensures a high level of product maturity in the early phases in particular and greatly helps to shorten development cycles.
For further information please see also
Partner Highlights
- Complementary Software
The collaboration with Dassault Systèmes within the framework of the partner program provides additional value to customers of Dassault and FCMS. Via the collaboration and integration of the FAST CONCEPT MANAGEMENT toolset into CATIA, users are enabled to have a better integartion of their CAD and CAE processes, which leads to a faster creation of variants and more efficiency in the validation process. Being part of Dassault CAA comunity ensures not only an even better market access, but also facilitates the exchange of experiences with other experts.

Complementary Software