Prodtex AB has 15 years experience in the DELMIA brand. We provide expertise within the fields of DELMIA Robotics, DELMIA Process Planning and Industrial...

Contact Information

Company name: PRODTEX AB

Company address: NORRA GUBBEROGATAN 30 SE-416 63 GOTEBORG , SWE


Partner Overview

Prodtex AB has 15 years experience in the DELMIA brand. We provide expertise within the fields of DELMIA Robotics, DELMIA Process Planning and Industrial Equipment Design. We have the expertise in the DELMIA platform to customize and streamline the workflow in process planning.

Partner Highlights

Our long experience within automotive and aerospace enables us to develop new and innovative methodologies to rationalize the workflow in order to reduce time-to-market. We deliver add-on functionality in Robotic Offline-programing to induce the capability of DELMIA. We provide expertice in implementing V6 3DEXPERIENCE in process planning and robot simulation and offline programming.


silver level

Reselling, Implementation, and Training

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