VPK INC has provided CAD, CAE and IT solutions as a PLM specialized company.It also provides the structural analysis, fatigue durability analysis,...

Contact Information

Company name: VPK INC

Company address: 68 GONGDAN-RO 140BEON-GIL 15847 GUNPO-SI 41, KOR

Website: http://www.vpkcorp.com

Partner Overview

VPK INC has provided CAD, CAE and IT solutions as a PLM specialized company.

It also provides the structural analysis, fatigue durability analysis, optimization solution of SIMULIA Abaqus.

The firm supplies various engineering services (structural/crashworthiness/NVH analysis, etc.), designs and interpretation solution from a variety of areas of automobile/ electric electronic/ shipbuilding, aviation/ heavy industries, etc.


platinum level

Reselling, Implementation, and Training

KIM, Ji Seop

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