Contact Information
Company address: 466 RUE DES MERCIERES 69140 RILLIEUX LA PAPE , FRA
Website: https://www.gravotech.in/dealer/130
Partner Overview
Created in 1988, Type3 company is a leading artistic CAD CAM software editor and counts more than 60 000 licenses installed in more than 35 countries, through subsidiaries and VARs.
Type3 main software solutions are:
- TypeEdit (CAD CAM software solution for artistic 2D and 3D engraving);
- 3DESIGN (jewelry CAD software);
- 3Shaper (3D modeling software);
- TYPE3-CAA: CATIA add-on to add text & logos in CATIA, for branding and product identification.
Partner Highlights
- Complementary Software
Developed in partnership with Dassault Systèmes since 2003, TYPE3-CAA is an add-on to CATIA. TYPE3-CAA offers design and construction engineers a wide range of professional tools to enhance industrial parts with serial numbers, text, logos, legal information, specs… directly within the PLM process of CATIA V5 & 3DEXPERIENCE.
Completely integrated in CATIA, TYPE3-CAA includes advanced features for text creation, font management, symbols & serial numbers integration, vectorization, projection & mapping. Working with TYPE3-CAA generates huge time savings, reduces data volume, gives a better performance and vizualisation of 3D models. This is why many leading companies have chosen to work with TYPE3-CAA, in various industries such as Automotive & Transportation, Aerospace & Defense, Industrial equipment, Consumer Goods, Mold Making…etc.

Complementary Software
CALVES, Jeanjean.calves@gravotech.com